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About This File

This set contains several invisible things, some new, some already done by other people. The latter ones were included to have all invisible things in one set, so people don't need to go set-hunting to find a certain invisible piece. It is not my intention to "steal" the idea form the original creators.

This set is dedicated to the memory of

Arthur C. Clarke
(December 16, 1917 – March 19, 2008)

Gary Gygax
(July 27, 1938 – March 4, 2008)

two men who shaped fields of interest dear to me.

requiescant in pace.

This set contains the following new and old invisible things:
Path (new one, you do not have to sacrifice an original like in DasMatzes tutorial)
Queue (dito)
Fence (as in one of Shyguys sets)
Ride Entrance (similar to errt's and Vodhin's set, vendor shrinked into oblivion)
Ride Exit (probably exactly like errt's and Vodhin's)
Park Entrance (iirc someone already did that as well, but can't remember who)
Toilet, ATM and First Aid
Two simple Stalls that have the same setup as the generic one.
Path Extras: Litter Bin, Sign, Bench, Vista Point, Passport Machine
Changing Room (supercedes my other set)
Two special pieces dedicated to Arthur and Gary

Author/Creator: Belgabor

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