The Ultimate Corkscrew Pack 2024 is a compilation of wonderful CTRs created by other members of the RCT3 gaming community.
I used the CTR creator to combine them into one coaster. This new CTR includes Large Loop pieces from the Multidimensional Coaster, as well as Tilt Coaster track pieces.
All credit goes to the members who created the CTRs in this pack. This download contains a detailed PDF read me file, complete with credits, and screenshots.
Below are download links to the original files used to create this compilation. Enjoy!
(UPDATE 12/30/24) I've updated the file to include the thrill lift track pieces, as apparently I had forgotten to enter them into the bahndaten file. The CTR now has the thrill lift pieces.
⭐Walibi Mike:
Vekoma mine train with no mods.
TRIVIA: These supports were inspired by, the loop supports on Tennessee Tornado, at Dollywood.
NOTE: These are STRUCTURE FILES and not their own custom scenery set. The following sets will need to be downloaded to use them!
◉ Moby's Steel Jungle V1 & V2
◉ Techno's Coaster Essentials - Arrow Footers
◉ CPCisco's B&M Footers
◉ Coasterfreak90's Mega Coaster Additions
Place the DAT Files
Corkscrew Modern Large Loop LEFT
Corkscrew Modern Large Loop RIGHT
into your RCT3\Structures folder located in your user documents.
Author: Coasterfreak90
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
NOTE: This set was released at the same time as Coasterfreak90's Expedition GeForce &Mega Coaster CTRs.
This CS set contains track connectors as well as support pieces that are compatible with Moby's Steel Jungle V1 & V2.
Author: Coasterfreak90
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
NOTE: This set was released at the same time as Coasterfreak90's Mega Coaster Editions.
Author: Francescoaster
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I have added an instructional Read Me file for how to install this CT. I have also added blueprint track files both with and without supports. I've also added new HD screenshots. Enjoy!
NOTE: Most of Francescoaster's CTs require SwissCheese's Flat Stations.
Please download and install before using this CT.
Author: RCT3-Advanced
Reuploaded by: RobertaME & Wilhelm1407
⭐ Special thanks to RobertaME for finding this CFR in her files, because the original download links were all broken. I created a new read me file with installation instructions, and made some more screenshots.
Author: Brandon
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
A small set, containing 9 path covers, a picnic table (does not sit peeps, scenery only), and an iron fence (in the fences section of your scenery menu). Enjoy! ~Brandon
Author: Brandon
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
Tired of the amount of effort it takes to support a Eurofighter's vertical lift? Well now it's easy! This set will let you construct a vertical support tower using only 3 easy pieces, a footer, tower section, and a track connectors. Cut down time and lag with my Vertical Tower Supports! Enjoy! ~Brandon
Author: Brandon & Cristian
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
A mini coaster train, perfect for small coasters but can work with big coasters to.
Author: CoasterJoe
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
Author: Shadow
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
Author: TheCodeMaster
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
NOTE: This CTR requires The PEP Teams's Wodan CT to work.
The required CT will be included in the PEP Team's Europa Park Add-on's set.
Author: Gadget
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for these CTRs have been down for long time now. I didn't have the original RAR zip file either... So by process of elimination, after many hours, I managed to figure out what folders go to this CTR set. I also created all new screenshots for the CTRs.
This pack includes the following Vekoma trains:
2nd Generation MK-1200 Generic
Space Mountain - De la terre à la lune
Space Mountain: Mission 2
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
I've always loved the amount of detail that Gadget put into these trains, so I made sure to take plenty screenshots from various angles. 😁
If you guys have any issues with this download let me know by leaving a comment, or messaging me here or on Discord. ✉️
Author: Gadget
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for this Custom Tracked Ride have been down for a while, and I managed to find the files in my RCT3 directory. I also made new screenshots. 🙂
Author: Krypt
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for this Custom Tracked Ride have been down for a while, and I managed to find the files in my RCT3 directory. I also made new screenshots. 🙂
Author: Krypt
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for these Custom Tracked Rides have been down for a while, and I managed to find the files in my RCT3 directory. I also made new screenshots.
This set includes a generic train, as well as three Texas Giant trains. 🙂
Author: Krypt
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for this Custom Tracked Ride have been down for a while, and I managed to find the files in my RCT3 directory. I also made new screenshots. 🙂
Author: Krypt
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
The download links for this Custom Tracked Ride have been down for a while, and I managed to find the files in my RCT3 directory. I also made new screenshots. 🙂
Author: Weber
A Christmas train made with custom textures perfect for the Holidays!
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I've created all new high res screenshots for this download. Enjoy! 🙂
Author: Krypt
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
Author: Weber
An imported civilian Hog form the popular game series Halo. This ctr features custom animated wheels and unlit textures.
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I have created all new high res screenshots for this download. Enjoy! 🙂
Author: Weber
A CTR great for recording videos.
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I have added new hi res screenshots and updated the read me file. 🙂
Author: Weber
Generic and Tropical themed Giga CTRs
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I have created all new high res screenshots for this CTR download. Enjoy! 🙂
Author: Weber
A CTR for the little ones in your park.
Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407
I have created all new high res screenshots for this CTR download. Enjoy! 🙂