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RobertaME last won the day on March 30

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ParkCrafters Coaster Designer

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  1. Long before texting and the Internet, people used to communicate by making noises with their mouth. For a brief time in history people used primitive phones wired to the wall to make these noises at each other. They called it "phoning". A truly impressive amount of (mis)information was spread this way. The More You Know... / ͡ * :^þ
  2. Welcome to the site! Agreed with @wolfpaw, excellent job with your video and looking forward to seeing your future endeavors! :^)
  3. Sorry... that was supposed to be a joke. You cram so many details into your parks I thought it would be funny. Alas, as usual, it flopped. Apologies, @Wowman. I was in no way criticising your work. You're far and away a better artist than I. (which itself is not much of a complement since there are school-aged children that are better artists than myself)
  4. The theming is great, but the walkways look too dark without any lighting. Is that not an option in PZ? If you can, you should add some street lights, even if it's just a little. I think it would add a lot to the setting to make it look more real. Either way, I'm loving the progress! Can't wait to see more!
  5. I second this! I can't even imagine what the state of RCT3 would be without this place! So much of the game's history and custom content would be lost with the closing of Shyguy's World it's unfathomable! Thanks millions, @wolfpaw for giving us all a new place to call home!
  6. Indeed, welcome to the new home for wayward RCT players! I look forward to seeing you around. :^)
  7. Thanks for the feedback, @JB! What I'm wondering most though is, "Does each ride need this much detail? Do I need to hunt down every variable that can be identified or should I just focus on the easily obtained data to get through it faster?" Each of the 3 rides in my first version of the Index of Tracked Ride Data took 2 days to find. Given the fact that there are 53 more Tracked Rides and 65 Coasters, that's 8 months of work before it's complete. (likely much longer since I can't devote 85% of my time to this task for that long like I did over the past week) What I'm thinking of doing is just get the most critical data for each ride which takes much less time. For example, focus on getting the Reliability, Display Price, Peep Attractiveness, Entry Fee, Running Cost, and essential stat data... letting things like Price per Segment and complex stat data go by the wayside unless specifically requested. Basically trying to keep the data down to 1 or 2 lines per ride instead of 2-7 lines as seen in my 3 completed examples. I guess what it comes down to is this question: "Is a totally complete data set actually useful to anyone or is it just button sorting?" Thanks again for the comment! :^)
  8. I just posted up the first early version of the Index of Tracked Ride Data. It only has 3 rides so far, but before I do more I'd like to get some feedback. The data provided on these first few tracked rides is as complete as I can manage, however it took an entire week just to get these 3 rides. Is the completeness of data to this degree worth the time it will take to put it out or is it overkill and I should just focus on the most important data to get it out sooner? Comments, criticisms, and opinions are greatly appreciated!
  9. ::blush:: Thanks! I'm trying to keep the data as clean and readable as possible so it's useful to anyone, not just us code-monkies. :^Þ I haven't even started making the PDF for the official Tracked Rides yet. That promises to be even more difficult because the number of data points per ride is just so much higher than the Flat Rides. I have no idea just when that will be available... but work is progressing. :^) It's the least I can do to give back to the community that's given me so much enjoyment over the past 20 years. Hopefully the data can be used to revitalize the game a bit. Being able to Mod even more of the game might breathe life into some excellent custom content that goes unused because of limitations in the tools when they were developed. We might even see someone develop new tools to streamline editing. (it won't be me, though... I'm too out of the game to try serious coding these days!) At any rate, your thanks are very much appreciated!
  10. Haven't been around much this last week, but my absence was due to me spending all of my time completing a long-term project... THE INDEX OF FLAT RIDE DATA IS FINALLY COMPLETE! This project is really a big deal, even if you aren't interested in OVL editing because it shows every Flat Ride in the game and what all their stats are... such as Build Category, EIN calculations, Reliability Degradation, Peep Attractiveness, Height Limit, and even the baseline Entry Fee for each ride! No more guessing what your fee should be! Also another update on Editing OVL Files is done and available for viewing! I'm close to completing the CFR section and more work has been completed on the CTR section. (still no progress on CSOs though :^/ ) Comments and criticisms are welcome, as always. :^)
  11. Another update has been posted! This time I've unlocked how to edit some of the original game OVL files so people can change even some default ride properties! (unfortunately, all the Vanilla rides are locked by the game code and cannot be edited in any way :^/ ) Keep watching this thread for further updates!
  12. A Work-in-progress version has been in the Tutorials section since last June. https://parkcrafters.com/topic/100-editing-ovl-files/ I have a lot of work left to do, mostly the section on editing CSOs. (that whole section still is nothing but COMING SOON) Edit: The tutorial has been updated with my latest findings. I just wanted to put it out there that if anyone would like any assistance with editing an existing attraction, I'm more than willing to help... either by walking them through it or just do it for them if that's what they want. That would be awesome! I'd love to have insight into your process! It might even help me with some of my work. :^)
  13. Just a heads up that work on direct edits to OVL files is still ongoing. It's a slow and arduous process of trial and error (with tons of game crashes) but it's paid off in finding the bytes that control what category a CTR or CFR appear in within the game menu. So now THAT can be edited without having to rebuild the entire attraction. I'll be posting up an updated version of the PDF guide soon with the new processes added. One additional area I've started to branch out into is making direct edits to the Vanilla, Soaked, and Wild OVL files so people can change the game's default attraction stats as well! (this is MUCH trickier because the Frontier OVLs are encrypted) I don't even know if it's possible yet, but I'll keep any interested parties up to date on my progress. Edit: The updated tutorial is now posted.
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