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Tools & Utilities

All tools and utilities for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.

35 files

  1. How to create a catalog of packs.
    I currently have 160 packs in my game and some of them install objects anywhere in the game. 
    So it is impossible for me to remember in detail what each pack contains. 
    But what I wanted was to be able to quickly find a specific object.
    For example, if I want to find a particular lamp, all the lamps installed in my game appear so that I can make my choice. 
    The solution?
    It is very simple : 
    a catalog that is displayed on a tablet.
    It is very easy to create and use. 
    All you need is a tablet, equipped with an image viewer that displays them classified by folders.
    Here is how it works : 
    We open the application that displays all the categories that we have created (Themes, Materials, Objects, Vegetation, etc.) In each category, we have created subcategories. 
    For example, in the "Materials" category, we have the subcategories: Windows, doors, blinds, walls, etc.
    For our example, let's imagine that we want to install a blind on a building : 
    So we will click on the "Blinds" subcategory of the "Materials" category. 
    And all the blinds that are in our game, regardless of where they are installed, will be gathered on the tablet screen. 
    And for each blind, the name of the image will give us its location in the game.
    The 8-page brochure "how_to_create_a_catalog.pdf" explains in detail, and step by step, the creation of this catalog.
    In addition, it is not necessary to list all the packs we have at the beginning to use it. 
    We are the ones who choose what our catalog will be. 
    I hope my explanations will be clear and that this file will be useful to you. But if some need help or explanations, I am at your disposal.
    Have fun and good luck! May our common passion for RCT3 last for a long time.
    14 1
  2. This tool when used allows RCT3 to increase its memory from 2GB to 4GB allowing for larger park files, more complex files, and less crashes. This tool is useless if you are using 32-bit, only use this tool if you are on 64-bit.
    How to use:
    Download the tool and run the .exe file Click on the three dots where it says 'Select an Executable' Navigate to and select RCT3.exe (This will be located wherever you have your RCT3 installed) Check mark the box that says 'Large Address Aware Flag' Click on Save Your game will now use double the memory!
    60 0
  3. This file contains almost everything you need to create a working CT using nolimits.
    Excluded are NoLimits 1.x itself, and Blender 2.49.
    If you need NoLimits 1, I can tell you that if you have your valid registration info, you can still download it from the original website:
    About Blender 2.49 you can get it here.
    I included the TestTrackCT.xml file that was missing.
    I've posted it here in case the original link goes down.
    25 0
  4. NoLimits Construction Kit v1.3.5
    ©Copyright 2002-2004
    Gravimetric Studios
    Written by: Jennifer 'Tia' Lynn
    This tool allows to export NoLimits tracks as .3DS files.
    It's very useful to create CTs for RCT3.
    While the program was originally only commercially available, gravimetric studios themselves later made it free by releasing a dummy license to register the program, so I'm not doing any copyright infringment by releasing it here:
    Nolimits Construction Kit: Commercial Use License Name: No_Limits-Free@Construction.Kit Code: m13959424-d11964450-QpmVtrT
    (Can also be found as .txt file inside the download).

    To register (and thus enable exporting), just open the software, click Help > Registration and copy&paste.

    I also included a folder with some new track ties CoasterInc made for B&M tracks (useful to get the track width right, since NL uses 1.6m between the rails and track center, and RCT3 requires 1.72), plus some I made for the B&M inverted (it's just CoasterInc ones flipped) and for Arrow or Vekoma tracks.
    All other tracks (Intamin, Schwartzkopf, etc.) can be exported as they are, with the default ties, since they don't need edits to the rail spacing.
    When using it, keep on mind that there are some strange bugs concerning Con-Roll and inversions, mainly on loops and elements containing an half loop (immelmanns, cobra rolls)... remember to check the model for any weird track-work before exporting.
    Source: https://www.coastercrazy.com/forums/construction-kit-is-now-free-t24384.html
    32 0
  5. Last version of Park CleanUp 2 known to exist.
    This is version v2.1.0, dated March 22, 2014, and it adds few new functions (see the second screenshot) compared to the previous release v2.0.0.
    Includes a "Time Changer" for park files, which was apparently left at beta -stage.
    83 0
  6. TexMod is a free application that will temporarily replace any texture in RCT3 without the need to use an application specific modding tool and without replacing any files in your RCT3 installation, but during gameplay will give the appearance that there are new textures.  TexMod is an executable and needs no installation.
    To Use:
    With RCT3 closed, launch TexMod.  While in TexMod: Click on the folder icon at the top left where it says Target Application and browse to your RCT3 .exe file.  Select your .exe file. Select Package Mode in TexMod.  Package Mode is usually already selected by default. Browse to the folder where you have already stored your .tpf extension TexMod files and select the files you want to load. Select Run. TexMod will launch RCT with the new textures in place of the in-game textures. RCT3 needs to be closed before reloading different textures or to play RCT3 without TexMod textures that have been loaded. The use of TexMod is not endorsed or supported by any games company for any of its games.
    Created by RSToff.
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  7. Extract textures from in game and custom scenery sets. (Always ask the CS creators first before using their textures.)
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  8. PDF file by Belgabor with most recent notes on the Importer v18. Created by Belgabor.
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  9. The tool CTR_Creator V0.95 creates CTR-rides, -cars, -tracks and CFR-flatrides for RCT3.
     Created by Markus Lomberg.
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  10. This is a set of grids for mesuring objects in RCT-3.
    These grids can be place horizontal or vertical and also be placed 0.1 meters apart.
    The grids come in opaque and transparent.
    Each red line is 1 Meter
    Each grean line is .5 meters
    Each Blue line is .1 Meters
    Your input is always welcome. Created by tnstickyboy70.
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  11. A collection of .jpg's of a block object using each texture style setting from the Importer. (SIOpaqueCausticsGloss, SIGlass, etc.)
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  12. This program allows set to easily switch around their shared texture files allowing a set to have varying textures depending on the project you are working on.
    Important: The textures have to be provided by the author of the CS-set and can only be used if the author prepared the set accordingly.
    Are you a cs-creator and want to use it for your set? There is a full description included in the download. Created by Dutcher.
    8 0
  13. Make your own Animated Flag for RCT3 Tool Set For Photoshop.
    A full tutorial on how to use the files in this kit can be found in the "Make Your Own Animated Flag" Tool Set thread on SGW.
    Essential Requirements
    Adobe Photoshop (PS) CS5 or later (trial or otherwise). I'm unsure whether the *.atn file will work in earlier versions of Photoshop, you can but try. Sometimes I have success with older/newer CS versions with newer/older droplets and/or actions I've made or downloaded. It seems a bit hit and miss.
    RCT3Importer v18b1. RCT3Importer v18b2 gives an error when re-loading the *.ase file from its previously saved *.xml file with an animated texture listed within it (See Importer flags errors when opening animated texture *.xml file for more details). So if you think you may need to ever edit the animations etc., use the v18b1 which can be downloaded from SourceForge.net
    An 240 x 180 animated flag gif file (!!??) from Crossed Flag Pins.com. Created by Elmer BeFuddled.
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  14. Framework Meshes created by Klinn (KLN)
    These are the original .max and .3ds meshes used by Klinn to construct his Frameworks set, one of the earliest CSO in RCT3.  He has given his permission for these to be shared and used by others. Created by Klinn (KLN).
    12 0
  15. RCT3 Path Creator 2.0 is a tool that allows users to create custom paths and queues for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3! This program has an intuitive, visually-appealing user interface that makes creating your own paths quick and easy. In contrast to the previous version of the Path Creator, Ovlmake is no longer required as a dependency - RCT3 Path Creator 2.0 is hooked up to my RCT3 Asset Library to quickly compile your OVL files on the fly.
    Brand new user interface Both basic & extended path pieces are available Ability to create custom queues Save your projects so you can work on them any time Helpful error checking Automatically check for program updates Install your path directly from the application Path & queue texture templates included Images of all path & queue models included for reference Help window to guide your path/queue creation
    8.5MB of disk space Windows XP or above Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.0 (click here to download) General knowledge of custom scenery creation
    Current Version: 2.0.1
    2.0.1 Changelog
    Program now automatically finds your RCT3 directory Fixed texture template color profiles Improved error handling User interface tweaks Bug fixes
    Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to report a bug!
    Happy path creating!  ;)
    Created by darkhorizon.
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  16. Pavement Essentials Templates v7 by Aceana
    A set of templates for Aceana's Pavement Essentials set, includes ASE files, SID files and sample textures. Created by Aceana.
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  17. CategoryTool Public Beta
    by JDRowlands
    low-level .ovl read/write code by Joey

    Information (as written in ReadMe)
    Please note that this is beta software, which means that is is not fully finished. The program is not known to mess up RCT3, but always keep a backup just in case …..
    How to Use
    Extract the files from the .zip folder, then run the .exe file from inside the decompressed folder.  When launched the program will automatically locate the "Program Files-Atari-RollerCoaster Tycoon 3-Style-Themed" folder.  Changes will need to be made to RCT3’s files to allow it to accept the new categories.  Detailed instructions are in the included ReadMe.

    Known Issues (as written in ReadMe)
    - The 'about' button doesn't work yet.
    - The program needs to be restarted for new categories to appear.
    - When you add a new category, you need to close and reopen the Category Manager to edit it.
    Created by JDRowlands.
    12 0
  18. Sketch-UpMan
    A simple, cut-out figure of an adult male scaled to the size of your park guests.
    Not colourable.  Invisible on one side. Created by KingVeveraine.
    2 0
  19. RCT3 File Importer Copyright 2005 Jonathan Wilson
    The RCT3 File Importer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
    Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
    version. See the file COPYING for more details.
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  20. CTR Creator v.1.00
    For making CTRs CFRs and CTs
    Created by Markus Lomberg.
    63 0
  21. This Tutorial will show you from beggining till end, on how to make a Custom Track!
    Originally posted on CSDepot: November 02, 2012
    11 0
  22. Thanks for downloading CPcisco's B&M Track Retexture! PLEASE READ THE README!
    !!WARNING!!: This has the possibility to mess up your Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 game if not done correctly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Make sure to save a copy of the original texture OVL in a safe place before proceeding.
    1) Navigate to C:\Program Files\Atari\RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum\tracks\coasters\Track5.  C:\ is being used as a generic hard drive location, you may have a different letter.
    2) Find the two files at the bottom of the list named "Track5_Textures.common.ovl" and "Track5_Textures.unique.ovl".
    3) Select both of these and copy and paste them into a safe place on your computer.
    4) Now open the folder labeled "New OVLs" in the "CPcisco's B&M Track Retexture" folder.  There should be two files here named, "Track5_Textures.common.ovl" and "Track5_Textures.unique.ovl".
    5) Select both of these files and copy and paste them into the "Track 5" folder.  Click "yes" to overwrite the previous files as you have them saved in a safe place.
    6) Open the game and the new textures should be applied to any track that uses the B&M style track.
    Originally posted on CSDepot: August 26, 2010
  23. Made by Francescoaster.
    Original description: 
    This is the long awaited patch that fixes CoasterCam on 16:9 screens (and now 21:9 too).
    The values of CoasterCam are adjusted for 16:9 screens at native resolutions.
    Use RCT3_PlatinumPatched.exe for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum (Old release)
    Use RCT3_CEPatched.exe for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Complete Edition (New release).
    Should be ok for:
    or resolutions with a similar aspect ratio.
    The values of CoasterCam are adjusted for 21:9 screens at native resolutions.
    Use RCT3_PlatinumPatchedUWS.exe for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum (Old release)
    Use RCT3_CEPatchedUWS.exe for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Complete Edition (New release).
    Should be ok for:
    or resolutions with a similar aspect ratio.
    If you are (still) using a 4:3 screen, you shouldn't use this executables because it will screw your CoasterCam up.
    HUGE THANKS TO NULANO on Steam for this mod. I'm just releasing this for people that doesn't feel at ease with Hex editors.
    If you want to to this yourself:
    These EXEs are from the Steam version. I'm not sure they will work with the retail version.
    Always check file size before replacing the EXE. Remember to re-enable Large Address Aware after applying this patch.
    If you've got an original exe for the retail version, or the filesize doesn't match, PM me on SGW and send me a copy of your RCT3.exe, so I can patch that too!
    Tested and working, but NO WARRANTY. Released AS IS.
    Keep a backup of your RCT3.exe and stay safe!
    Originally posted on: October 01, 2020
    26 0
  24. Made by Markus Lomberg
    Original description: CTR Creator v.1.00
    For making CTRs CFRs and CTs
    Originally posted on: October 26, 2018
    13 0
  25. Coaster sounds
    This (rather old) mod replaces the in-game coaster sounds with NL and ScreamMachines-based ones.
    To install, after backing up the original files, put the OVL files inside this archive in
    RCT3 Install Dir\Tracks\TrackSounds
    Made by FranceCoaster.
    29 2

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