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"Make Your Own Animated Flag" Tool Set

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2 Screenshots

Make your own Animated Flag for RCT3 Tool Set For Photoshop.

A full tutorial on how to use the files in this kit can be found in the "Make Your Own Animated Flag" Tool Set thread on SGW.

Essential Requirements
Adobe Photoshop (PS) CS5 or later (trial or otherwise). I'm unsure whether the *.atn file will work in earlier versions of Photoshop, you can but try. Sometimes I have success with older/newer CS versions with newer/older droplets and/or actions I've made or downloaded. It seems a bit hit and miss.

RCT3Importer v18b1. RCT3Importer v18b2 gives an error when re-loading the *.ase file from its previously saved *.xml file with an animated texture listed within it (See Importer flags errors when opening animated texture *.xml file for more details). So if you think you may need to ever edit the animations etc., use the v18b1 which can be downloaded from SourceForge.net

An 240 x 180 animated flag gif file (!!??) from Crossed Flag Pins.com. Created by Elmer BeFuddled.

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