About This File
CategoryTool Public Beta
by JDRowlands
low-level .ovl read/write code by Joey
Information (as written in ReadMe)
Please note that this is beta software, which means that is is not fully finished. The program is not known to mess up RCT3, but always keep a backup just in case …..
How to Use
Extract the files from the .zip folder, then run the .exe file from inside the decompressed folder. When launched the program will automatically locate the "Program Files-Atari-RollerCoaster Tycoon 3-Style-Themed" folder. Changes will need to be made to RCT3’s files to allow it to accept the new categories. Detailed instructions are in the included ReadMe.
Known Issues (as written in ReadMe)
- The 'about' button doesn't work yet.
- The program needs to be restarted for new categories to appear.
- When you add a new category, you need to close and reopen the Category Manager to edit it.
Created by JDRowlands.