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Bites O' Fyre | A Collection of Pyro Shorts | WIP

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On 10/25/2023 at 10:08 AM, wolfpaw said:

It came out great! Can't wait for future updates 😊

On 10/30/2023 at 7:56 AM, jaronimo.mov said:

WOW I LOVEEEE those red lasers!! 😍😍😍 That is so amazing how they break the sky like that. And I LOVE that set!! So spooky!! 


Also, I know how it feels to face burnout!! No pressures at ALL we will be waiting EAGERLY!!! 

I wuv you two to bits 💓 Thank you so much for your coninuted support!

As for Bite O' Spook....


She dead.

I suppose it's fitting that the "scary" Bite seemed to be the most problematic. No fewer than the last two save files (from 10/21 and 11/3) are corrupted and will not play the show (or any portion therein) more than once without crashing. It's a very odd glitch that only happens on this particular park file. All previous shows - as well as new park files - work without issue. I'm not particularly sure why, but I suppose whatever ghostly spirits I summoned playing this soundtrack over and over and over have taken hold of the performance and deemed it their own.

Here's the full soundtrack that would have been used.

Edited by Kablary
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18 hours ago, Anon-P said:


Haha, it's pretty darn over. We'll see. With it not really being the spooky time of the year anymore, I'm feeling much more festive. 🌲

7 hours ago, Bookworm91 said:

Oh no!  Corrupted files are the worst!  I’m guessing you have tried using the backup and/or ParkCleanup?

I have not tried ParkCleanup! Thanks for that idea. I may give it a shot.

This is the last recording I had before not being able to work on the show anymore. Kinda pitiful, actually 😆


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Oh no, super sad to see that happen.. I've never lost an entire show due to corrupted park files before but I have lost other projects in RCT3 due to corruption. Such a sucky thing to see happen but hey, maybe Halloween 2024?

Still can't wait to see what you have planned next!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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On 11/5/2023 at 7:36 PM, JB said:

Love those horizontal lasers! And you must have a laser emitter positioned high up in the sky (pointing downward)?

Sharp eyes, JB! Yes, in a fit of inspiration (or carbon copying) from Sinjon's forthcoming Worlds spectacular, I placed a spherical emitter WAYY above the set to shoot lasers downwards. I was going to try to a dismal create cloud cover with a bunch of fog effects from one of Ilyxr's packs and then have lots of laser beams shoot down through them. 

On 11/7/2023 at 7:08 AM, wolfpaw said:

Oh no, super sad to see that happen.. I've never lost an entire show due to corrupted park files before but I have lost other projects in RCT3 due to corruption. Such a sucky thing to see happen but hey, maybe Halloween 2024?

Still can't wait to see what you have planned next!

2024 is the year of Holiday-themed shows! I also missed out on my chance to do Bite O' Snow in time for Christmas. Oh well.

On 11/7/2023 at 5:49 PM, Sinjon said:

RCT3 claims another one :(

Sorry that happened man. Looks like you had some really cool ideas planned. Hopefully, you'll bring those to your next one because I really love what you did with the lasers in and above the centerpiece!

As mentioned above, you directly inspired the "heavenly" laser emitter 😄 Thanks for chiming in, Sino! Miss your rare previews of Worlds over on Discord.


With the CSDepot move complete, I can finally get back to focusing on the fun that is these fireworks displays! Since Bite O' Spook failed and Bite O' Doom has fallen off my radar, I wanted to recommit myself to new shows. So to keep the ball rolling, I'm introducing:


It ought to be the first western-themed pyro to hit the RCT3 community. 

Stay tuned!

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I don't think I've ever seen a Western pyro show before! SUPER excited to see what you have planned for this show, especially with this new theme!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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On 12/14/2023 at 11:26 AM, Anon-P said:

IDK if I could add a suggestion but, maybe Bite O' Dragon after this one? I only say that since 2024 is apparently the Year of the Dragon

You gave me a wonderful idea!

On 12/18/2023 at 6:53 AM, wolfpaw said:

I don't think I've ever seen a Western pyro show before! SUPER excited to see what you have planned for this show, especially with this new theme!

Well too bad, you're gonna have to wait because....


...is roaring into the sequence.

Bite O' Fang is a pseudo-tribute to the Lunar New Year, and as Anon pointed out above, 2024 is the year of the Dragon. 

Following Bite O' Fang will be Bite O' Dust, and the frequently-delayed and changed "Bites" series will conclude! 

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Oooh lookin' spicy! If that's the snippet of the official soundtrack then you got lots of big drum beats to look forward to 😄

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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On 1/30/2024 at 10:28 AM, wolfpaw said:

Oooh lookin' spicy! If that's the snippet of the official soundtrack then you got lots of big drum beats to look forward to 😄

Yes, this particular soundtrack is lots of ginormous drum beats! However I think I'm going to avoid using a lot of aerial effects. I want to really focus on using water fountains and smaller ground effects this time around. The fountains from @Dumaan089 are featured heavily in this show, with backups provided by the all-powerful @jaronimo.mov 

On 1/30/2024 at 2:08 PM, Bookworm91 said:

“Frequently delayed and changed” 😆

Looks great!  Can’t wait to see more!!!

This always happens! I start one thing, the do another, then go back to the first thing, and then completely change what I started.

That's exactly what happened with this show! There's a park file in the downloads section here called "Terraces" that gave me an idea for a water-centric show:


How cool would it be to have lasers, fountains, and smaller ground effects launching from the terraced pools, all reflecting beautifully?! Well...I don't know why, but only the main 'river' has a reflection. All the smaller pools reflect nothing at all. Sadly, I didn't notice until after I had spent a few hours placing mortars and then syncing lasers on each side of the map. They were going to do this cool drum-off battle sequence - the beginnings of this could sorta be seen in the first teaser I posted. 

I've since done away with that idea, at least in the beginning of the show, and have instead put more work into the river. As the song builds, I'll include the terraced areas, but I'm super bummed about the water. If anyone knows what I could do to get everything to reflect, I'm all ears! Or....eyes?

Here's an updated teaser of the new choreo:


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Bookworm is correct, sadly. Not sure if it's the lowest body of water or the largest. But either way, the game engine will only display reflections on one level of water. And I've never heard of a mod to get around it. I really liked your teaser! The constantly moving camera brought the scene to life and drew me in.

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4 hours ago, JB said:

Wow! Thank you, tasewis992! I never knew that particular Options.txt cheat. Although, it would probably make a large park unstable, to make all levels reflective, but still...! :classic_smile:

Well, it seems like I'm limited to a certain volume of water after the main body before the game crashes. It's either 4 additional "puddles" of any size, or up to two larger volumes...? Idk, after 10+ crashes I gave up trying to figure out what the exact tolerable amount of reflective water is allowed, however I am 100% certain that the current landscaping cannot be adjusted to keep the game from crashing.

This was such an awesome bit of info from @tasewis992, though! I'll absolutely make use of it in a future project. I'm curious what other rogue options.txt mods there are...


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4 hours ago, Kablary said:

Well, it seems like I'm limited to a certain volume of water after the main body before the game crashes. It's either 4 additional "puddles" of any size, or up to two larger volumes...? Idk, after 10+ crashes I gave up trying to figure out what the exact tolerable amount of reflective water is allowed, however I am 100% certain that the current landscaping cannot be adjusted to keep the game from crashing.

This was such an awesome bit of info from @tasewis992, though! I'll absolutely make use of it in a future project. I'm curious what other rogue options.txt mods there are...

That's odd. I've been working on a park with 3 bodies of water, each at a different height, and so far my game has been quite stable.

As for the cheat, I found it on FlightToAtlantis, which holds a trove of information about RCT3 and is a site that I often reference to, especially when modding the game.

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12 hours ago, tasewis992 said:

That's odd. I've been working on a park with 3 bodies of water, each at a different height, and so far my game has been quite stable.

As for the cheat, I found it on FlightToAtlantis, which holds a trove of information about RCT3 and is a site that I often reference to, especially when modding the game.

This is as many bodies of water I managed to get to reflect before it crashed. An improvement for sure, but I wonder if turning off some graphical settings would improve the chances?


I'll keep playing with the settings. Maybe if I prevent the water from spilling out beyond the edge of the map, it'll allow me to add more little puddles within the map.

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22 minutes ago, JB said:

You could try turning off shadows, if you haven't already. Personally, I don't like the look of the game without shadows, but sometimes it's necessary I suppose.

I absolutely agree with you, however I always leave shadows off for fireworks shows, especially since they're recorded at night. Shadows make the overall land look even darker at night and thus harder to see the sets. Below is a before-and-after with shadows on (left) and off (right). 


I always try to leave the clouds on, though. It adds a subtle extra texture and movement in the reflected water that is really lovely. I'm going to give the settings one last adjustment to see if I can get all the water to reflect, though.... fingers crossed! 


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