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jaronimo.mov last won the day on November 17 2023

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About jaronimo.mov

  • Birthday 09/05/1996

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    Los Angeles, CA

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ParkCrafters Ride Operator

ParkCrafters Ride Operator (3/15)



  1. SOON!! Just waiting to get paid so I can test out this rebrand from Platinum to Complete that Steam has put up. Apparently, Chris Sawyer has renewed the licensing for the game for another 10 years, which is why it’s back up on Steam so I’m going to do a little troubleshooting to see if I can get it to run on a Mac, because that’s the only computer I have at the moment. I’m just being lazy/procrastinating but once late Spring/ early Summer rolls around, I should be full steam ahead!!!
  2. I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not too sure exactly what I made during that time because so much was happening at that time hahaha. Also, I went a little crazy with the names, so trying to go back without looking at the effects in-game and just by name on my computer is a little daunting for me! So I’m going to say MAYBE.
  3. OH. MY. GOD!!!! What never ceases to amaze me is how far you push the envelope with this game, especially with how good you are with computers/technology. After all, you were the one who helped me, amongst many others, do a dual install on my computer to run Vanilla and Platinum at the same time!! You are incredibly innovative--a true beacon to progression!!! The fact that you were able to get 4k, crisp levels, even with the levels of detail and layering with effects you have done is quite impressive!! I was literally flabbergasted and blown away with the blending of different effects and colors, like Kablary said without whiteout. Also, your choreography and synchronization was SPOT ON! I think around 3:00 is my favorite, or one of my favorite moments throughout this show. Very, very, VERY impressive my friend! I agree with Gin also--it's a VERY inspiring show and it pushes me more and more to get back into RCT3!! Thank you for breathing life back into creation. And also, THANK YOU for putting me on to Shadow's effects!! They are absolutely GORGEOUS!
  4. I have to agree with the others--I absolutely LOVE your synchronization!! It's very tight and crisp. I also really love the music you chose, it felt like I was getting a sound bath done hahaha. It also reminds me of the sounds of the planet Venus. It really puts you in this atmospheric space and you did a great job of capturing that with your choreography and synchronization. I also also love your usage of shells you chose. It really gives your show that ethereal feeling, merging worlds together. Outstanding!! Thank you SO much for sharing, and Happy Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month!!
  5. WOW. UMM. !!! I am in absolute LOVE with this project!!!! I have watched it both with and without sound and my god, this thing is a masterpiece. The color combos, the effects in sync and harmony with the music is astounding!! I think the lasers are astounding--the way they blend in with the fountains and fireworks is true art!! ALSO SIR, you are BLOWING MY MIND when you do those pictures of the MixMaster Display. It really is amazing to see them laid out on this grid plane. It really shows how MUCH and BIG this project really is, how many effects are firing off at the same time. It truly, really is impressive!!
  6. I have to agree with @Kablary, I am in love with the colors!!! What lights did you use?? I'm curious!!
  7. COUNT ME IN!! I'm so glad you are continuing this series, keep it up!!
  8. HOLY GOOD GUACAMOLE! I am in LOVE with the progress and what I have seen so far! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the lasers, and the fire, the water... it all blends so seamlessly together and really puts this show in top tier! I think my favorite so far is the topography and landscaping that has been done. The usage of that river and the breaks between land and water are perfectly done! It's been so great seeing the progressions of different scenes from all of the shows that have been done so far. I really love! Impressed my friend!!
  9. I can't BELIEVE I missed this!! I am SO excited for this show!! This is going to be truly, a TREAT!
  10. I absolutely love your clean, professionalism you have when presenting your work! It's very impressive! I agree with @Kablary, I would have never known that you build everything piece by PIECE! I do have a question though. That ruler that's in the background, do you use that to measure? If so, that's extremely impressive because it looks rather difficult to make sure each piece/object is centered, or aligned to keep cohesion/continuity. VERY impressive!
  11. Woo!! Thank you all for your tireless efforts to keep RCT3 ALIVE!
  12. Ooooh you TEASE! I can't wait for future developments! I agree with @wolfpaw with that tornado sign! SO neat!!
  13. Wow, this is insanely realistic! This looks amazing, how long do you spend on here when you're creating?
  14. I tink I love the wooden ones the most!! They are so well done and thought out, but to be honest it's so hard to choose a favorite because they are ALL so great!
  15. I am LOVING this series! I love how realistic/incredible the game looks. Does the scenery come with the game or did you make it? I love the SAW attraction, those movies are crazy!
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