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Steel Phantom (Kennywood)

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4 Screenshots

About This File

Here's an interesting story about this particular track.

So, I have been on the hunt for Chris Duarte's Steel Phantom for idk how long at this point cause the link on the video description was broken. So, I looked for anything kennywood related, and then I see a track called Steal Venom.

After some close inspection, I realized that this was Chris Duarte's Phantom. HOWEVER, It was heavily modified into a viper style layout, and even the terrain was modified. I looked for help but to no avail, SO, I took matters into my own hands!

After a long hard work on this, Ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to say that the track is back in top shape. Steel Phantom has returned!


I have also provided cart textures. The one that says (Blue-teal stripe) goes to train 1, and the one that has the yellow stripe goes to train 2.




Edited by Aerick McCullough

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