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11 Screenshots

About This File

Hello! :D

This is the park that I wanted to build for Deurklink's Intamin Accelerator contest. However, I was not able to finish it on time, so I decided to simply finish it on my own time (p.s. it took way too long).

My idea for the contest was to make a large scale Intamin Accelerator roller coaster around a hotel over the water. The coaster has several interactions with the hotel, and to name those: the track starts in the hotel, the top hat goes over the hotel, and there is a helix that goes around a circular section of the hotel. The plan for the hotel was to have different blocks: the reception area, the coaster queue area, the first class rooms and the second class rooms. All the interiors are made, so if you want to use the cut-away view, it is very welcome.

To make the park more complete, I made an area on the ground that works as an entrance to the hotel. It has a parking lot, viewing spots, a few shops and a few rides like an open-roof bumper car ride and a junior roller coaster. The area also has a beach with a jet ski installation.

This park was started and completed with OpenRCT2 on the version, before the new save format was integrated.

This park was made without custom scenery or expansion object except for invisible path to ease my work on it.

NB: RCT1/RCT1 Deluxe installation might need to be attached to OpenRCT2 in order to view the park in its true nature.

I hope you like it :D

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