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2 Screenshots

It’s a set of different Japanese style houses, I built originally for a Japanese Style scenario. They originally formed a small fisherman’s village on the seaside.
The “okanemochi’s summer villa” (“rich man’s summer villa”) is also built in the same scenario, so I include it in the set. It’s just a huge, non-Japanese style “summer villa” which stands on the seashore close to the village.

(side note: the Jinja (Shintou Shine supposed to be put on a hill))

Scenery sets needed (beside the standard in-game sets):
Ralfvieh’s East Asia
Ralfvieh’s Beaver Homes
Ralfvieh’s Russian Woods
Ralfvieh’s Medieval 1 (For the Shintou shrine only)
The following are only for “Okanemochi’s summer villa” (beside the uppers):
Ralfvieh’s Streets
Station Jim’s Furnishing
Mr. Sion’s Tiki bar
SA Productions – Go Green

Building and their sizes:
House 1 (5x4 squares)
House 2 (4x4 squares)
House 3 with shed (6x4 squares)
House 4 with clothesline poles (5x4 squares)
House 5 with clothesline poles (5x5 squares)
Professor’s house (4x4 squares)
Small Ryokan (4x4 squares)
Village elder’s house (4x5 squares)
Shintou shrine and priest’s house (9x8 squares)
Okanemochi’s summer villa (8x7 squares)

Put them to Documents/RCT3/Structures

Created by Sora_92. 

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