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About This File

It’s the recreation (or I tried) of the “Elvarázsolt Kastély” (“Enchanted Castle” or “Magic Castle”) of the Budapest Vidámpark. It used to be one of my favorite rides.

It’s a “sheath” for the Crooked House ride – because I think that’s probably the ride that resembles it the most out of the standard in-game rides. (Or maybe the House of Fun, but that's larger.) This is why it has the tower on the rooftop too – which I believe was originally flat – to hide the top of the Crooked House’s roof.
It’s 7x7 squares big.

Originally, the front tower was the ticket selling booth, but that can't be done in-game, and since I guess it would look ugly if the guests would walk through the scenery ticket office with desk, pictures and stuff, it's now just decoration, but it's one of the signature parts of the Elvarázsolt Kastély, IMO.

Two pictures are included in the set for the billboards.

Scenery sets needed (beside the standard in-game sets):
Ralfvieh’s New Castle 1-2
Ralfvieh’s Beaver Homes
Ralfvieh’s Antique World
Ralfvieh’s East Asia
Ralfvieh’s Medieval 1-2
Station Jim’s Vikings 1
Shy Circus Center Set 3

Put it to Documents/RCT3/Structures



From further:

In a Park:

In another Park:

You notice the top of the tower, right? It can be seen from afar.

The real deal:

Or, it used to be. It's only history now...
Of course, my humble re-creation is like always, nothing compared to the original.
(side note: the photo is not taken by me, found it somewhere on the net)

Created by Sora_92.

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