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Everything posted by Traveller

  1. 17 downloads

    Set contains 8 animated glass doors with metal frames. All pieces are recolorable. Author: errt
  2. 13 downloads

    READ ME ---------------------------------------- JONNYEARS- PLINTH SET! To Install- Extract the contents as usual to the STYLE/ THEMED folder and check that the contents consists of 3 folders and 2 files If not, Re-download the set Read Belgabors excelent page of problems ------------------------------------------ USE OF THE SET The main use of this set is asthetic, Just use these plinths to smarten up the existing RCT scenery ------------------------------------------ CREDITS Thank you very much to BELGABOR and J-PLAYA who sorted out all of the problems that I had making this set ------------------------------------------- ENJOY! Author: Jonnyears
  3. 24 downloads

    Install as usual into Style => Themed pack contains four items: pool chair pair, pool chair pair with umbrella, shower unit and a diving board. After installation items are located in "Pool Extras" All items are recolorable, however this has to be done by first selecting "Structures" and then selecting the Paint Brush icon. Author: Moki
  4. 14 downloads

    Install folder "RicardobugsysPlanet Disco" as usual into Style => Themed WARNING! This set contains animated objects with strobe lighting effects, which can cause feeling dizzy and/or trigger an epileptic seizure, if you are sensitive for this type of stimulus. Author: Ricardobugsy
  5. 17 downloads

    Set contains various Christmas tree, lights and decoration components. Copy or Cut & Paste the complete folder "CSFChristmasSet" as usual into RCT3 game install directory => "Style" => "Themed" Author: CSF
    This variation of speaker set was obviously meant to function as a ride event, in another words, sound file is played, when the tracked ride reaches the trigger point. - OK, just what I wanted, so let's test it... Well... copied the files under style\themed, as usual, start the game and test. The speaker does show up in Ride Events menu as intended, when selected there are the same options as with the rest of the ride events, you can rotate it and set the trigger point. OK. Good so far. Now let's place it.... wait... the trigger set button has vanished, now that I have selected the speaker, and I am placing it near the coaster track, where the trigger point shines blue and place the speaker, and I hear the familiar "thump" sound. Oh, I see! This speaker set is no longer a ride event! It has turned itself automatically into a regular speaker set, and trigger function has completely vanished.... and therefore it does NOT function as a ride event, you can only open or close it, select the sound file and set the genre, as with any other normal speaker, but alas, you cannot use it as a ride event. What a huge, big disappointment! Also, the model is very basic, untextured, and parts of it are invisible from one side, so I guess it could (almost) function as an invisible or hidden speaker, but this set unfortunately isn't any good for anything else. Besides there is a better invisible speaker set available, if anyone needs one. Shame really, if this would have worked as intended, this would have been really useful. I think there still aren't any sounds as ride events available for RCT3. Someone really should create one.
  6. I found another download link for this set, and this file is identical to this set - and therefore also corrupt. I really hope someone would have an intact version, because this is actually pretty cool set.... People should always do a test when creating zip or rar -files...
  7. Unfortunately this file pack may be corrupt. It consistently fails CRC check (and test) for one file on all apps I tested, WinZip, WinRAR and 7zip. Wanting to be thorough, I downloaded and tested the file second time with same result: "xIWillDestroYouAllxTruck.common.ovl" CRC check failed => File is corrupt. Can anyone else confirm this?
  8. Small update: i can confirm everything does completely work and function as it should in-game. Nor Sid -errors, no-nothing.. if I don't count the fact that for some unknown and weird reason, "Moby's Steel Jungle v1" appears twice on the CSO menu window.... what's going on in there? Do i after all have a bad/corrupt CSO? Anyhow... I discovered that I get those two error messages only if I tick "Do a deep Check" when i select and click from the drop-down menu "Create list of required custom content", under "Content requirements" tab. If I untick the box, the error messages do not appear any longer, only when ticking the box again and doing a new search. Weird, huh?
  9. This is all good info! I will certainly try the uninstall-reinstall method. In this case, only the game is installed on E:\ - with all the CS in where they should be, in style\themed - and all the park files are on normal location My Documents on C:\ drive. ParkCleanUp does have correct path according to the log, but this is actually something I need to test. And you could be correct that having the game on different drive, and not in default location under C:\ Program Files, might be the reason causing havoc - not forgetting that the last version of ParkCleanUp was released 2013. However.. I think there might be a cause-symptom related to some CS sets, which may be broken only for ParkCleanUp, since the error messages is only referencing three different CS sets. Curious though that by looking at the error message, it's impossible to tell which CS sets the app thinks are faulty, since the end part looks like it's corrupt... weird! Need to test a number of things. I think everyone in the community would benefit from this, IF I am be to determine the cause! -I doubt that I would the only one having issues with ParkCleanUp - which is still without a doubt one of the most useful apps made for RCT3. I noticed today for the first time, that it also works for structures .dat files... I didn't know before that would work!! Many thanks for the info!
  10. I started to cleanup some of my recently found scenarios and parks with CS sets, and the only tool (besides Notepad++) to be of any use, as far as I know, is Park CleanUp 2. The version I have is the last version v2.0.0. Right away I started to get error messages I don't recall seeing before with previous installations. I get two types of errors: "OVL appears to be invalid: Could not open overlay : e:\rollercoaster tycoon® 3r" and; "OVL appears to be invalid: File EINVAL error : e:\rollercoaster tycoon® 3m" All the other messages are just normal "OVL not found : style\themed\...." when CS set in question has not been installed. -Anyone have a clue about the cause? Is this an issue with the GOG edition, corrupt .dat -file or CS set related issue, or could it be the install path/location causing issues, or is this about the missing CS - or the way sets are installed? All the CS sets I have currently installed, have been verified to be the newest versions available, and the CS objects themselves at least seem to work completely normally in-game. My RCT3 Platinum installation is GOG edition (don't remember which version). I was running low in space on C:\Program Files (Windows XP 32-bit SP3), so I installed RCT3 instead on drive E:\ Works good, no issues starting or running the game, all is well and peeps are still barfing like there's no tomorrow. Any and all help and information will be greatly appreciated! "G** d***it! I would p**s on a spark plug, if it would do any good!" -General Beringer in WarGames" (1983)-
  11. I don't know if this would be any use, but I was able to locate from Wayback Machine The Complete List of Custom Content The newest listing I found is from January 24, 2021. The exact URL must have changed sometime after that, I think. All the directories seem to be accessible, nothing can be downloaded, naturally. Already there are notes like "No Known Working Download!" for a number of CS sets. It just breaks my heart to think that some sets really could be lost forever....
  12. This sound really good to me. However, I can already foresee the many problems ahead. Firstly there is the issue of the varied file names, often changed names of the authors, the fact that there are sets which have been bundled together - thus creating a fantastic confusion regarding the great quest to locate and make CS objects available for download for generations to come (I hope) . I have only recently taken notice that the only way to have any chance of succeeding locating many of these CS sets, is to have as wide community collaboration as possible. I am currently in process of sorting out several CS sets I have rescued from my old hard drive, and are planning to upload here. Many of these are available no longer, as far as I know, on any website. I keep finding almost weekly a set I thought would have been lost for good. But this takes time - a LOT of time, its laborious for many reasons, and only having a real passion, patience and faith in that this is all worth while doing. RCT3 is one of the very few games I really love to play - it has the definitive "LEGO -effect" - if you are familiar with this term. One strategy I have found being unexpectedly fruitful has been to search, locate and download CS bundle packages, which often have been gigantic in size. As an example, I recently downloaded several such collection packs from www.coaster-games.org and found inside huge pack several CS sets I haven't seen anywhere else. Links to these mega packs are often very elusive, I have found some by watching RCT3 related YouTube videos, which have had links to download CS packs, usually from sites like Mediafire. To have this type of project really to succeed is entirely possible, but it does take commitment, and from my own past experiences with other gaming modding communities, there really needs to be firm guidelines - a sort of solid rule-sets for how it should be done, so it won't turn into utter chaos... But this all up to you, and I really can't thank you enough for creating this site in the first place, which has totally renewed my interest in the sheer never ending versatility to produce enjoyment and satisfaction for playing "just" a game! "That's not a moon. That's a space station!" -Obi Wan Kenobi in "Star Wars" (1977)
  13. Ah... but you forget one thing: Some of the readme -files I've read, say that I should keep the old files and overwrite, if asked. This suggests to me that some of the newer versions might only include the newer versions of the files, but omit the older, existing ones. Which I think is just poor planning, but I have already found one such set, which requires me to have BOTH the older version AND the new one. I don't know about you, but to me that's just bonkers! I don't know what some of these authors have been thinking (or drinking ...or smoking) when they thought that would be a great way to save space! (Hey! -There's no face-palm emoji in here! -so evil monkey it is.)
  14. Oh well... to give you an idea what I am up against: I finished yesterday retrieving everything I could from my old squeaky bricked HDD. All the RCT3 stuff is now finally under one main folder, all I need to do now is to do the most frustrating part, sorting all this mess out, and get rid of 100% verified duplicates and check known dependencies for the sets, then do painstaking crosschecking against dates and versions of the sets, and again delete the duplicates. Sounds easy, right? Well... there are now 57.6 Gb - or to be precise, 61,900,693,504 bytes in 380,628 files, and 25,151 folders! - And just that it wouldn't get too easy: for an example a basic duplicate search found fourteen (14!) duplicates of ShyGuy's Mainstreet sets, and many of them seem to be different versions with different dates. I did some basic math, and I think it will take me a minimum of 3-4 weeks if I would (and could) spend 8 hours in 7 days a week, just to do a basic process of elimination. I don't really want to think about how much and what was permanently lost. As my granny used to say; "What's gone, is gone!".
  15. I am currently in a VERY time consuming process trying to recover salvageable CS content from my old HDD, which got bricked nearly 10 years ago. One of the problems I am having is that many of the CS packs only exist in their Style\Themed\ -folder, therefore missing any info files, readme and possible screenshots, etc. One of the folders recovered was named "11" and the files in that folder were named imaginatively named in style of "1.ovl" and... surprise, surprise "2.ovl" I was wondering if there is any kind of "master list", or index for known CS content currently available for download and especially for CS packs which are considered "missing" or "lost"? - If there isn't such a list, I think it might be a good idea to create one, which could then keep updating in regular intervals, say once a week or a month. This could be .xls file or something similar. What do you think?
  16. OK.. after examining more the set "USCorn", it appears to be at least partly made by someone speaking German. This is one of the many mystery sets I have recently recovered .... with the file structure intact. I have now reason to believe the USCorn is made by author named "Uncle Sample" (same person as "samplerocker"???) - I can't stress enough how frustrating and infuriating it is to find these sets without any info and in worst case the info given being bogus or purposely falsified. Then it will take hours of time to investigate - hours which could be better spent doing something meaningful. ...or at least useful in my great quest to find all the missing or "lost" CS sets ever made.
  17. I have another CS set named "USCorn.zip" - allegedly by MGP. It contains 18 files in total, 141 Kb in size, but alas, no readme file. File dates are between Sep. 30th, 2011 and October 1st, 2011. It contains cornfield components, hay bales and a scarecrow. Does anyone have info confirming if the set is by MGP and could it be a newer version of this set?
    ShyGuy's Alpine sets currently run from this set number 1, to set number 6. I don't think I would need to type a review for each of them, for a number of reasons. Firstly, anything that ShyGuy has ever published is a MUST HAVE on every designer's basic tool kit, and you can trust the impeccable quality and attention to detail found in these sets. They are of not only top quality, but also extremely versatile, beautiful to look at, and practically are problem free. Oh and secondly... This is set number 1 of the 6 Alpine sets published (all can be found here at ParkCrafters), and just this first set alone has a whopping 134 separate components, which should give anyone a clear picture of the insane amount of high quality custom Alpine building blocks for your every need. Whether you're building your very own beer-hall putsch scenario or want to create your own Oktoberfest, these are the definitive sets to go with. And again here's another link to one of Silvarret's superb tutorial videos, this time to illustrate how a master builder would -and should use these excellent Alpine/Bavarian style building sets:
    Silvarret isn't really known as a author for vast amount of CS objects, but he is known for making outstanding building tutorial videos, which are thankfully still on YouTube... even though he claims himself that he felt that "having a tutorial channel is a waste of time"(!) - I very strongly disagree! - He has produced without a doubt the best video tutorials ever for RCT3, (he has also published numerous top quality tutorials and demo videos for other games too, mainly "Planet Coaster" and "Cities: Skyline"). This CS set is one of the few of his own, which are currently available at ParkCrafters. This set contains only 18 components, and it's best use - (which I think it was intended to) is to function as an expansion for ShyGuys super-duper Main Street sets, which unquestionably should be a must have on every little peepsters shopping cart! As is well known, they are so versatile that they can be used for almost any style or period building you could think of! This Silvarret's excellent Neoclassical set adds to them very nicely. Those columns found in this set are just as at home in Antique Roman Emperor Nero's pyrotechnical observation post, as they would be in a "Lord Farthingbottom's" UK country manor, complete with a ridiculously extravagant garden folly, built sometime around 1824. Here's a link to Silvarret's über-classic, fantastically useful and very educating "How To Make a Neoclassical Building" tutorial video on YouTube, how to use this set with other sets, mostly ShyGuy's stunning Main Street sets:
  18. Really? If you look for videos in YouTube with search term "retro pc" you'll find it's not that uncommon. I know there are vibrant communities around this subject. It's not that different from people collecting old consoles and analog synths or tube radios. I know personally some guys who would go drooling bat-crazy just for looking at a fully functioning MacIntosh II. I also know some people in these communities who fulfill the definition of "scary", for what goes on in their heads. One guy I used to chat with, had a really worrying obsession for acquiring a working Xerox Alto, the first personal computer (released in 1973), which had a mouse, Ethernet and a Graphical User Interface built into it. But seriously, what I meant to say is that there isn't really any reason for anyone to acquire a retro gaming PC, if you're not experiencing any issues with old games on you current state of the art 64-bit PC. Don't get me wrong, I have the same enthusiasm for the top high end computers, which I naturally would use for the modern games - but... one day in the future these computers will also be considered antique, and the circle keeps on going, until we have the very first naturally evolving organic quantum computer, which can upgrade itself... "grow up", that is. For me, it's mostly the nostalgia, part of it just enjoying working with computers and technology in general, and part of it is that it can also be challenging and educating. There is just something fascinating at looking at a 4 color screen, with only the green text and a blinking cursor, and how just loading a game to play on a pure DOS can easily take 10-15 minutes - if you're using 5" soft floppy disk drive.
  19. That's a very good question! - The best part of running older games with a retro computer is the lack of any compatibility issues, which is great. However, as we all know, RCT3 is a very demanding game, and even when running RCT3 Platinum on the latest 64-bit system with Windows 11, and the latest top high end components, it is still quite possible to bring the hardware to its knees, without even trying too hard. It is naturally obvious that playing RCT3 on an older 32-bit computer requires the same compromises as much as it did back in 2004. I admit my own current retro rig is not really the most ideal for RCT3, and I am planning to upgrade it slightly, buy upgrading motherboard and CPU, add DDR2 memory and max it to 4Gb in dual channel, So it can use the 2Gb available in fast mode. I think also that better GPU card would be better as well, such as GeForce 8800 or better. Key here is to keep everything, hardware, drivers and O/S running as native 32-bit. I have never, not even once, run into any compatibility issue with this kind of a system running an old game - and that I think is sort of the whole point! BTW. The only issues I have ever encountered on a retro PC are always related to graphics drivers. If a game has been "optimized" for Nvidia, this means that there will be issues with ATI and Radeon graphic cards and their well known shoddy drivers causing a multitude of problems! Curiously games which have been "optimized" for ATI (such as RCT3) I have never had any issues running these games with Nvidia cards and drivers. -I was just today testing RCT3 Platinum GOG edition on a sort of "mid-way" PC, approx. 14-year old system with 64-bit Intel i7 quad-core CPU (1st Generation) - and although it ran fine, there was a noticeable lag in loading the game and weird issues with FPS fluctuating unusually. I believe these issues could be resolved, but it would take a lot effort, which I am not convinced would be necessarily worth the time spent on it.
  20. The needed CS list is a bit vague... I'm not entirely sure which sets are referred to by these three entries: 1) Fences & Railings v1.2 (Using my in-built fuzzy logic system apparatus - could this refer to DasMatze's Fences & Railings? 2) Paths Covers And Train Tracks! (...what?! - Oh, come on! This is almost too cruel. Not really helpful, when we know there are at least a dozen sets of path covers, and more than a few Train Tracks... 3) RCT3 Vanilla`s Glass Walls v2.1 (well... can't find anything with that name. Is there another name for "RCT3 Vanilla"? Could it be an earlier version of "Mikey CA's Glass Walls"? -Since there is "Mikey CA's Glass Walls (Modified) v2.2 - If that is the case, is that compatible with this? If anyone knows, let me know, will ya?
    Of all the great CS sets, I would personally count The_Cook's Atlantis Vaulting (equally with "The_Cook's Gothic Vaulting") among the top 10 of all the great sets ever released. "Why?" you may ask. I'll tell you. Besides the obvious, they are well designed, look good, bug free, and what only adds to their versatility of use, is the fact that the set uses the same in-game textures, making it easy to combine the set pieces with other authors Atlantis -themed add-ons any way we want, thus exponentially increasing endless creative ways they can be used. Mind you, that using them the way where they would be architecturally, and mathematically realistic and viable structures of how they would function in real world, is most definitely not an easy task. It will take a lot of practice, and without any knowledge of the mechanics and architectural style of ribbed vaulting you will find yourself just placing the parts that seem to fit and form some kind of familiar structure you may have seen somewhere- like for example in your hometown's old church. However, it must be said that you are definitely not required at all to use them this way - thus enabling to use them as parts of anything that we think will look good, and combine them anyway and with everything else, mostly just because gravity and Newton's theories don't apply in most of the scenery objects in RCT3. I personally like realistic and architecturally correct structures, but that's just me, and The_Cook's set enables me to do just that - they are so well and realistic in design. When talking about realistic architecture, The_Cook's set enables us to build a number of realistic forms of vaulting. Firstly, the aforementioned "ribbed vaulting", which is the most complex of the structures using also the sail components in the set. The much simpler "barrel vaulting", among others. The components also enable us to build various types of tunnels, arches and domes, and much, much more. This set is one of those great sets, where the way they are used is only bound our own imagination. Incidentally... I vaguely remember seeing a long, long time ago, an extensive tutorial on some forum site, how to use The_Cook vaulting sets - and I would really like to find it again! If anyone has this tutorial saved somewhere, please be so kind and upload it to ParkCrafters.
  21. My own solution to most common issues related to old 32-bit games was exactly just that: To build a retro gaming PC. Mind you, that this isn't necessarily as easy to do as it sounds, and most certainly requires extensive knowledge working with older computer systems. The older the PC is, more knowledge is required is the thumb rule. I have two different retro PCs, one running 32-bit Windows XP for games released from late 90s to mid 2000s, (like RCT3), and one 1st Gen. Pentium running the last version of pure DOS for REALLY old games, although I am considering downgrading the rig into i486, because Pentium CPU does produce compatibility issues with some pure DOS games released before Windows 95, and on my mind running a DOSbox or any other virtual DOS is far from an ideal solution - although using a virtual DOS environment also offers solution to common issues with sound drivers. As a big fan of retro gaming I also have a fully working Vic 20 and C-64 for real genuine antique Commodore games! - Can't beat "Attack of the Mutant Camels" and "Duck Shoot"! I must say it really wasn't easy to find old components in full working order (fully working 20" 4:3 flat screen without noticeable burnouts proved to be the hardest to find!), but gradually I was able to assemble a rather nice rig, 32-bit Pentium 4 HT 2nd Gen. running steadily overclocked at 3.4 GHz, PCI-E GeForce 6800 GT 256Mb, Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE32, with 2 Gb DDR1 RAM in full dual channel mode, two 80Gb SATA1 HDDs and 500W ATX PSU running smoothly Windows XP SP3, which I keep 100% air-gapped to prevent Mickeymousesoft and OogleGoogle messing with perfectly and nicely working setup! Most of the components I found from various auction sites and thrift shops, and in total I think I spent less than 200 € (roughly 216 US Dollars). Well worth the price, and no need to worry about issues which come with modern 64-bit computers. Personally I have really come to regret getting rid of old PCs and components. I have since started actively to collect old PC components when ever I see them for sale in order to build more rigs, which I have then been able to sell at a nice profit to my great surprise to find there really IS a market for retro gaming hardware!
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