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This is the first Alpine Village set created for the land in Wonder World. It contains stucco walls, roofs, windows, beams, posts, shutters, chimneys, and lots more.

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ShyGuy's Alpine sets currently run from this set number 1, to set number 6. I don't think I would need to type a review for each of them, for a number of reasons. Firstly, anything that ShyGuy has ever published is a MUST HAVE on every  designer's basic tool kit, and you can trust the impeccable quality and attention to detail found in these sets. They are of not only top quality, but also extremely versatile, beautiful to look at, and practically are problem free. Oh and secondly... This is set number 1 of the 6 Alpine sets published (all can be found here at ParkCrafters), and just this first set alone has a whopping 134 separate components, which should give anyone a clear picture of the insane amount of high quality custom Alpine building blocks for your every need. Whether you're building your very own beer-hall putsch scenario or want to create your own Oktoberfest, these are the definitive sets to go with.

And again here's another link to one of Silvarret's superb tutorial videos, this time to illustrate how a master builder would -and should use these excellent Alpine/Bavarian style building sets:


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