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Spiraling Timelines

   (1 review)

2 Screenshots

About This File

Hello! :D

I had the idea of making a roller coaster that follows the shape of a diagonal land slope. I thought the roller coaster that would fit the best for it, visually and on a technical standpoint, was the spiral roller coaster, so that's what I picked. I started by making the slope, flattened the top part and placed the major layout elements such as the station and the two spiral lifts. Then, I figured out the rest of the layout from there. It was difficult to find a layout that would work with the space I chose, but I still managed to make a decent (and surprisingly long) layout. However, I think it has some spacing issues, such as the second half of the coaster being very fast compared to the rest, but I left it as it is.

For the theme, I was indecisive between two themes: either I make a fancy and luxury palace, or I make something in a steampunk era. I finally decided to use both and divide the map in the two themes: on the left, the steampunk industry; on the right, the majestic palace. The two areas are distinguished by their different styles, so you'll have no struggle to identify them.

The title "Spiraling Timelines" comes from the coaster type that I used and the two theme being quite opposed to each other.

Done without custom scenery. The latest version of OpenRCT2 is required.
See final screenshot for statistics.

I hope you like it. :D

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Wow! Absolutely incredible work with the scenery, I don't think I could ever build something so crazy in RCT2. Hats off!

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