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5 Screenshots

About This File

Hello! :D

One of my designs that I retrieved from old saves or memory and improved.

This track was my first attempt at a launched twister roller coaster with a roll-over at the end of the launch, leading to one of my previously released tracks, Mystery Forest. The layout was not structured as well, and it would look like spaghetti as commonly said in the community, but I still had a soft spot for it when watching it back. It did not have scenery when I retrieved it, so I decided to decorate it and release it as it was, without improving the layout.

For the decoration, I reused the style of Mystery Forest, with the brick walls and the brick railing, but cleaner. I also added some foliage as the original track was surrounded by a forest. The name "Intrigue Woods" is a play on synonyms with the original name "Mystery Forest".

Mystery Forest can be downloaded there: https://rctgo.com/downloads/view/mystery-forest.15112

Done without cheat or custom scenery.
See final screenshot for statistics.

I hope you like it. :D

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