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Another idea out of the blue, for some reason I thought to try to create a city such as Heijo-kyo (today Nara) or Heian-kyo (today Kyoto) or something like that, in something like Nara or Heian period or such. (so no shinkansen, skyscrappers and such)

Like before, after some buildings and plants, it started to be a bit much to my toaster and the lag started to be really annoying. Also, I guess my attention span isn't big enough for actually completely designing a whole city... at first, I had lots of ideas... then it's only some of them I actually implemented before growing bored of it... (and the lag plays a role in it too...). Better computers probably have no problem with it though.

There are some court-noble residencies, two buddhist temple complexes (well, to keep it easy, used the Sanjuu-san-gen-dou, and Horyuu-ji re-creations), two marketplaces, some rice fields (I know that's corn... I couldn't find any plant in any of the sets I know, that resembles rice...), there's also a stonecutter's house at the waterfall.
Included a few screenshots in the rar too.
most residential houses and civic buildings are missing, both in the city and outside of it too, as well as the imperial palace is also missing (it would be in the northern part of the city), the gates of the city, and the gate of the palace quarter are also missing...

It's just yet another half-complete map, but I'm uploading it, if anyone is interested checking it or continuing to build it.

Place it to
Documents/RCT3/Start New Scenarios

scenery sets that are needed (I hope not forgotten any...)
Glass treppe

Asian Sensations
Asia wall set 01 (RCT - Spanky and Belgabor)
Japanese rice plantation 1 (and possibly 2)
bamboo themed

Spice's bushes
Spice's Farmset
Spice's Vegatation set
Spice's old market set

Station Jim's gardening 1 & 2.5
Station Jim's pirates
Station Jim’s Furnishing
Station Jim’s Hotel Things
Station Jim’s Midway Things

Medieval conquest Blacksmith, Tavern, Butchery, Bakery, Weaver, Pottery, Stables, Mine and Stonecutter, Market, Winery, Archery Range

Kiotho in medieval times

Ralfvieh’s Beaver Homes
Ralfvieh’s Antique World
Ralfvieh’s East Asia
Ralfvieh's Russian Woods
Ralfvieh’s Medieval 1-2
Ralfvieh’s New Castle 1-2
Ralfvieh’s Pathcover
Ralfvieh’s Bridge Set

LG harbour set
Ropes by Elch
Periculum 3
Prizoner of Azkaban

Captain’s Aviaries
Fisherman’s Enchanted Forest
Bulldog2092 Camping Accessories

Ornamental Trees II (possibly)
K2K26&Advanced Camping Set (possibly)
Shrek's swamp (possibly)
Woodpiles (possibly)

Created by Sora_92.

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