About This File
The first finished area of Vanilla Park, initiating the 3rd iteration of Vanilla Park.
Alien Robots have ravaged the city from above AND below. Join the war for Earth, unite against the Subterraneans and Ethereals in unique and exciting adventures like Phoenix, an exciting Vertical Drop Coaster themed to the popular SuperHero amongst peeps in the RCT3 universe, t3M, a thrilling watercoaster mission sending you to infiltrate the Ethereals' evil headquarters for top secret information, and QUAD, an interactive race ride through the cities first encounter with the Subterraneans.
If all of that isn't enough, Metropolis includes a smattering of other flats and coasters to keep you entertained through the evening: Slingshot to Space, The Claw, Carobotsel, Area 128, Mission Control, Phoenix Flyer's, and Up and Away
Author: Bogeybo