About This File
Author: Elmer BeFuddled
Jurassic Park Falling Tourer Ride Event
I'm happy to announce the release of this Animated JP Tourer Ride Event. Let's just say up until now there have been a few hurdles to cross!
Based on this original SU Warehouse model: FORD Explorer Jurassic Park.
Ride Event
This ride event (RE) sits teetering on the top of a 9M high wall, (included in this set as can be seen in the above images, the walls can be found in the in-game scenery list). When activated by the ride the Tourer tips up and then slides forward. It then hangs by the rear wheels before slipping off the top of the wall and dropping into the water below. It then stalls in a near vertical position before finally tipping forwards into the water. Finally, after a pause, it will run through a re-set cycle ready for the next JP raft (just for a touch of added realism).
The total animation cycle is 18.5 seconds.
Custom Scenery
Apart from the double (8M) wall at 9M high, there are left and right sided full (4M) walls to match the seamless tiling and left and right half (2M) walls which do the same.
There are also four CS Ford Tourers on quarter tile placements set at 90°, 67.5°, 45° and 22.5°. Thus you could build a small curved queue of Tourers waiting for guests. Including the RE model they've all been numbered individually.
The Tourers have been made up of three different LOD models which will help reduce the load on your park as well as maintaining a reasonable view distance. I've measured at 80 squares but it's all dependent on how busy your park is!
I hope you'll enjoy this set. I've put a fair amount of blood, sweat and tears (and a few Glennfiddich!) into it.
As has Dre-W who has also given me endless hours of helpful, informative and, at times, amusing feedback. It kept me going!
Thanks Dre-W mate. This is all down to you and without your help this would never have happened.
Full details, with information regarding setting up the Kiotho's Custom Particles as Ride-Event with this Ride Event can be found on SGW in this thread by Dre-W Jurassic Park: Universal Studios Hollywood [VID + REL..?]