About This File
Traveller's Animated Billboard Double Doors Ride Event Texture Set EXPANDED EDITION
(Original set removed. See details below.)
Edited by Traveller
New expanded edition uploaded.
What's New in Version 07/29/2024 04:48 PM
This is an expanded set containing 128 (+ 2 special bonus) variously themed double door textures intended to be used with the animated billboard ride event doors from MrPark's Fm-Rides Asian Additions, which you can download via this link:
INSTALL/USE: Before copying any of the files, please delete the original images, because most textures in this expanded set have been either renamed or edited some other way. Sorry for the inconvenience.
As these textures essentially are just plain billboard JPG images (256x256),
you could copy entire folder "DoubleDoors" - or just the ones you need - anywhere you like.
However, for ease of access via billboard image selection button in-game, I recommend copying the images or the complete folder into "My Documents" => "My Pictures" => "RCT3".
These images can be used as textures for any 1:1 square billboard, or as replacement textures for any square shaped scenery wall piece. I created mirrored duplicates for those door textures which also include text - if and when you want to change the opening direction from default outwards to inwards. (To do this, just rotate the CS object 180 degrees).
DISCLAIMER: All textures have been edited by me.
Some are based on my own photos, some are based on images found from various open sources.
Some have been created from scratch by me.
PLEASE NOTE: The billboard ride event doors in MrPark's CS set are not 100% symmetrical in size, causing the center-line being shifted few pixels to right. Also, unfortunately the diagonal version of the animated doors is not 1:1 square, as it is rectangular in shape, which causes the textures in this pack appear stretched.