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2 Screenshots

About This File

Posted by: wabigbear May 05, 2013, 12:35:55 PM

Description: I'm one of those people who always has problems with billboards in the game. They seem to suck up a lot of resources, and they will sometimes change when I don't want them to change if I have very many in a park. To get around that I sometimes take my billboard images and just create objects instead. This set is one example. These are traditional Coney Island Sideshow style Banners. The textures I found on the web. After I created this set I came across a set of billboard images that also included many of these same banners put together by a community member who went by the name 'oldgrandad' I believe, who had uploaded his set at Vodhin's old site. While I didn't use his textures I do want to share credit as they are many of the same images. Mine's just CSO. I've used these several times in my parks, an example is shown...

Filesize: 1.68MB

Comment by: Scotty May 05, 2013, 06:28:06 PM
Thank you for this!  I actually collected a bunch off the net a few years ago and planned on making a set, as I am slooooooowly learning how to make CSO's, but now I can scratch one thing off the 'to do' list.  Thanks Again!

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