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Cedar Fair's Siploma Beach

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1 Screenshot

About This File

:w00t: Hello guys! im new to the site. i have 2 parks i really want yall to see or attempt to check out these parks have been transferd between a couple of computers so i dont have pictures. and the computer i have now has the volume on f10 so i cant take pics. when i fuiqure out how i will.

the first one is : Siploma Beach(corny name)

this park is based off a cedar fair owned park(originally sixflags) that i made as soon as i got my first custom scenery. i have a few other parks i want yall to check out but ill do that later. but for this one if you will please download. you will need the custom scenery : Cafeens letters, iceatcs brand logos and curve slide supports,jcats mouseworx and steelworx,klinns framework,top gun scenery,sk-hangar51,all of shyguys mainstreet,alpine village and catfish cove sceneery,drp lightz, encenties, tell me if i left any out. more soonm plz tell me any advice on the park,my post or anything. ty      edit: ok guys im uploading the park from my rct3 files do i need to upload it to a website like mediashare first??

Author: NsAne

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