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Napster's Unfinished Magic Kingdom

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About This File

Hey guys, I wasn't able to finish this so enjoy! It's only Main Street with some unfinished interiors.


Magic Kingdom v3 PLACEMENT: C:\Users\[username]\Documents\RCT3\StartNewScenarios

Here is the CS you need.

Shyguy's Main Street Sets 1-9
Aceana's Pavement Essentials.
Das Matze's Office Day!
Dasmatze's Covers and More!
Shyguy's Planters
Shyguy's Water World set 1-2
Old Spice's Vegetation Set
Old Spice's Trees
eeZee's Cinderella Castle
Marnetmar's Leftovers
Klinn's Framework
Lulujarre's Walt Disney Objets.
Vodhin's Tables and Chairs.
Both of Vodhin's Light Sets.
NYR Stadium Seating
Ralvieh's [however you spell it] Clocks.
Belgabor's Invisibles
eeZee's Emporium

I would like to believe that is all.

I want to thank RCT3Disney for trying to supply me with eeZee's Emporium set. I'd like to thank wabigbear
for all of his help. I also want to thank the people who made the sets I used.

And a big thanks to the SGW community for all of their support!

Sorry this isn't finished but I currently can not work on it anymore!

Author: idtnkilover

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