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About This File

Posted by: wabigbear August 08, 2013, 12:54:24 PM

Description: Creator: Wabigbear Created for: Citytrader Shared Texture: Yes Recolorables: yes LOD's: No High Poly Objects: Yes Number of Items: 148
Created for Citytrader's "DisneyAmerica Park" project, these objects were made per his request and for his purposes.  They are offered for download "As-Is". A varied set of objects.  Included are assorted historical Ford signage, Donal Duck theater curtain, Peg Leg Pete sign, straight and angled DA ride booths, assorted DA banners, 'Lewis & Clark' Explorer's boat with flags, assorted Disney alpha standees, Civil War Observation balloon, fancy plain gate, Disney gate alpha decals, large tents, pup tents, stew pot, rifle tripod, cannon blast ground alphas (work best if over white or black ground texture), three Native American canoes, ladder parts, tank of molten iron for factory, two sizes of 'furnace doors', left and right iron 'S' bends, oil well tower, 'Victory Field' gate, wooden water tower, Statue of Liberty unlit fireworks alpha, assorted 'ivy' ground cover, straight and angled patriotic bunting, assorted Gingerbread trim alphas, Conestoga wagon, supply wagon with assorted supplies, Signage 'backers', assorted ride signage, assorted Civil War Union troops/drum corps/colorguard/soldiers/officers, assorted Civil War Confederate troops/drum corps/colorguard/soldiers/officers, two sizes of Baseball field scoreboards, wooden grandstand, brick grandstand, baseball diamond ground cover, recolorable 'white sock' and recolorable 'black sock' baseball player, straight baseball grandstand, corner baseball grandstand, straight grandstand bunting, corner grandstand bunting, straight grandstand billboards, corner grandstand billboards.

Note:  The wooden, brick and straight baseball grandstands are all designed to work with 'Wagi-ImagineerJohn Invisible Grandstand' CFR.

Models by wabigbear, Conestoga wagon, supply wagon model by Old-Spice Textures by wabigbear, Old-Spice, CG Textures, web images.

Filesize: 6.95MB

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