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2 Screenshots

About This File

Posted by: wabigbear August 08, 2013, 01:16:02 PM

Description: Creator: Wabigbear Created for: Citytrader Shared Texture: Yes Recolorables: yes LOD's: No High Poly Objects: Yes Number of Items: 30
Created for Citytrader's "DisneyAmerica Park" project, these objects were made per his request and for his purposes.  They are offered for download "As-Is". Assorted 'historical' type objects.  A wooden printing press (high poly) and stack of papers, exterior cellar doors, diamond pane windows, diamond pane bay window, DA banners, straight and diagonal 'fort' windows, a 'medic/red cross' alpha decal that works with the plain circus wagon from the DA Circus Set, a Conestoga medical wagon, medical tent, straight and angled cannon, straight and angled large cannon, mortar, swiveling cannon, Liberty Square sign, straight, angled and damaged caisson wagons, left and right fence pillars, Statue of Liberty with fort base, Statue of Liberty without fort base, large and small Minuteman statues.

Models by wabigbear, Conestoga medical wagon by Old-Spice, (Staue of Liberty model from SketchUp Warehouse, altered by wabigbear, Printing Press model from SketchUp Warehouse, altered by wabigbear) Textures by wabigbear, Old-Spice, CG Textures, web images.

Filesize: 5.03MB

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