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1 Screenshot

Same rocks as the file I submitted yesterday but this time with a snow-ish texture.
This was a request by ImagineerTim.

- Custom texture. (Made by self-shot photo and Photoshop)
- 14 various sized Rock Scenery Items.
- 4 Stalagmites/tites (created in 3dsMax)
- love.

- All the scenery objects are on a quarter tile snap.
- If you place IceSpike2 directly above Icespike1 they will form one scenery item.
- I also added the texture I used for these scenery items so others can make additional rocks etc that will match the look of the ones in this file.

The items can be find under the Adventure theme as "Luos EnvIcerocks"

Take care 

Originally created by Luos

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