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1 Screenshot

Author: TheDarkStar23

 I've pretty much got to grips with the 4D coaster style now, and I must say, I loved messing around with the rotation on this coaster! It is inspired by X2 and Dinoconda, with the majority of that layout, and parts of B&M Wingriders for the latter half before the final brake run.

The supports are mostly prefabs, however a lot of them have been edited in some way, mainly to fit the coaster track. The lift supports are indeed modified prefabs, made to look like that of typical 4D coasters. I used images to recreate them.

Everything here is my creation (well, apart from the trees and prefabs) and I know the MCBR slows the train a lot. This is deliberate. It allows a time for the riders to 'rest' for a little, before the next part of the coaster commences.

Enjoy Daze! My first 4D coaster

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