About This File
Author: JAMMYD778
NOTE: This download contains both a HIGH DETAIL, and LOW DETAIL version!
The High Detail version utilizes lights and more scenery objects resulting in a higher impact on performance.
The Low Detail version does not utilize lights and less scenery objects are used resulting in a lesser impact on performance.
Welcome to JTech Developments! We are the leaders in future innovation! You have been invited to experience some of our latest creations designed to enhance the experience of human life!
Here at our research facility you can try any of the codenamed projects below:
The latest in transport innovation. You will be required to test the maneuverability and ride experience of this latest device, by passing through all 10 rings, without fail. Featuring two world first elements; the Twisted Carousel and the Double Inline.
- Sky Surge -
The ultimate freefall experience without the worry of personal responsibility. Test drive one of our ongoing experimental devices that has been designed to simulate skydiving with the upmost thrill and safety.
- Discombobulator -
One of our older projects, designed to confront and reverse the effects of human disorientation. You will be subjected to rotating forces that defy and disorientate your body's natural balance, but do not fret, for this is our safest, most reliable contraption yet.
Enjoy your time at JTech Developments and remember, we are the leaders in future innovation!
- Created By JAMMYD778 -
- Music Used Is Urban Gauntlet by Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com). Licensed under CC Attribution 4.0.
- Support & Feedback courtesy of Apex Amusements,
- Thanks to Magu/freefall for his Seat & Table models. Also, thanks to Projektion for his flat rides, dapalm for his rock set, and n7 for the custom foliage! Super people! :-)