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About This File

Created: 10/30/07. This is a set of nice benches to use in your park. The file contains five different bench designs, each aligned differently. This set is not as complete as I'd like it to be, and I don't know if I'll ever get back to custom scenery anytime soon- other things in life are taking more time than I can spare.

To use this set, pay close attention to a transparent arrow that appears only when you are first placing the bench. The arrow MUST point down to an existing path or peeps will not use the benches.

Known issues: if the bench is placed over terrain that is too steep, or just in front of a hole (like what you might have for a reflecting pool) peeps might get stuck when getting up from the bench. With some pieces, peeps will face away from each other when two peeps are sitting. I don't know if there is a way to fix this and don't have the time to further experiment.

The benches are arranged in the Path Extras scenery menu, ordered by their design style, with the different placings contained in its expanding sub-menu. Use the correct placings to create nice areas for peeps to sit, making sure that the placement arrow points down to a path.

My experiments show that drinks stalls (like the lemonade stall) seem to trigger peeps to seek out nearby benches, as do Thrilling Flat Rides that spin and make peeps dizzy (like the rotor). First aide stalls and rest rooms seem to cancel peeps bench seeking, so avoid using these in areas where you want peeps to sit.


Author/Creator: Vodhin

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