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About This File

Author: Batchman

This file actually contains two wooden coasters I really enjoyed designing tonight. The coasters are very similar, though one is about 50% larger than the other. Both are large, but I don't think either would actually break any records in the real world ... though the larger comes close.

No picture at the moment ... my laptop's function keys won't work with RCT3's function keys, so I will have to find another way to take screen shots. Maybe I'll be able to add one, later.

The name for the two coasters was inspired by the rather odd-shaped lift hills I designed, and I've ridden both of them extensively, and really enjoyed them. Here are some statistics for both:

Earthworm Jim's Woodie Adventure     |     Earthworm Jim's Greatest Adventure

$32,000, 9x45 squares, 7.5/9.7/6.1           $50,000, 11x43 squares, 7.7/8.8/6.1
70 mph top, 33 mph average                    74 mph top, 26 mph average
1:44 ride time/5057 feet                          3:09 ride time/7303 feet
6G/-3.2G/6.1G, 30 seconds air time           6.7G/-2.26G/3.66G, 56 seconds air time
Highest drop, 164'                                   Highest drop, 190'

Woodie Adventure was not designed as perfectly as I might like, and to have the coaster run successfully, you have to check low friction in the coaster settings. I did a better job with Greatest Adventure, so low friction is not required there.

Both coasters are set to run three trains, feel free to change numbers of trains or length, but neither one will manage the lift hills if your train is shorter than 7 cars. For timing, and some nice effects of where trains have some interesting parallel effects, I suggest running Woodie Adventure at minimum and max wait both being 40 seconds, and Greatest Adventure both being 60 seconds. These times also have the first train pulling back into the station right as the third starts to leave, so constant passenger loading.

Hope somebody else is willing to give these a try ... I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

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