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About This File

Author: Rollercoaster-Fan

'Sisyphus' is an own construction of an Inverted Roller Coaster which stands in the Caribbean Bay Resort on Paradise Island where palm trees & mangroves thrive & prosper in the environment of beaches, hills & mountains. Further roller coasters like Hurricane, Aquella & Koala stand at that beautiful sunny place, too.

A little Dinosaur Park at the beginning of the ride gives the peeps an additional surge of adrenalin.
(see video link for animated dinosaur effects; not included)

You get the whole park here: https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/1914-caribbean-bay-resort/
Look at the bottom of the list to see more related downloads.

Type: Inverted Roller Coaster
Ride time: 2:17 minutes
Ride length: 1297 meters
Max. speed: 100 km/h
Number of inversions: 25
Configurated for 2 trains with 9 cars (one row per car / 36 seats available per train)

Excitement Rating: 7.95 (very high)
Intensity Rating: 7.89 (very high)
Nausea Rating: 6.47 (high)

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