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2 Screenshots

Author: Aerick McCullough

 In 1993 CHAOS went through a major renovation. CHAOS was once again illuminated. Now presented by BellSouth Mobility, CHAOS once again had a theme, one of a nuclear reactor gone critical with radioactive mutations. The smaller screens from before were turned off (but still remained), and new sets were constructed. The massive reactor replaced the clock with red, lava-like material all along the floor. As the car makes its ascent, different lights flash and laser lights project through the smoke. As the car approached the top, the reactor went into a meltdown and massive amounts of smoke erupted from the reactor. On the descent, a large 'Alien'-type monster, named Leslie, held its arm over the track as the cars passed under its arm. The train then made a close pass to the reactor and the fiery floor and then back into the station. This theme was designed by Rich Davis, now with Ardee Design Group.

Billboard images are in the screenshots

in order to install the ride, Please download the following items :

CS: ATH Catwalk Set
Azanderz supports L Beams
Kiotho(R)Evolution Screens
CSF NLS Lift hill expansion
CSF Neon Lighting Set
CSF Steel I Beam Set
Cafeen's Letters
JCat's DarkRide Set
Jcat's steelworkx
Jcat's Spaceworx
Klinn's Framework
Moby's Glasshouse & Frameworx
Neon Lighting Set
NYR's Concrete Walls
SK - SHR91
Shiggs713's Path Covers
Vodhin's Girders 'n Glass Structural Set
Shy - Catfish Cove Set
Shy - Circus Center Set
Shy - Circus Center Set 2
Shy - Expo 3000 Set 3
A-Goodies for Coaster Set
Spice's Stargate Stuff
Both Vodhin's Light Kits
Both BJL Revolution Fan's Sets (Found at http://www.customscenerydepot.com/ )
Cap'n Pogo's Strobes & Lights
Cap'n Pogo's Blacklights (Found at http://cafe.naver.com/rcdb.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Fclubid=14615841%26page=6%26menuid=11%26boardtype=L%26articleid=1266%26referrerAllArticles=false )
Iceatcs Billboard pack
Dasmatzes Industry Age
Dasmatzes Industry Age Additions
Moby's Steel Jungle V1 & V2
PEP Europa Park Add - On part 1 & 2
Krypt's Mr. Freeze CS

ctr: Mennoo Vekoma MK-700
Euromir CT Track ( Found at http://revolutionfans.weebly.com/rct3.html )
PEP Europa Park Add - On part 1 & 2

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