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Bites O' Fyre | A Collection of Pyro Shorts | WIP

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Agreed, love what you did with the sudden movement of the camera! That must have been a PAIN to sync up, haha. Love what you're doing on the ground for this show with the chasing comets and fire! Will we be seeing some more water in this show? Might be cool to add in a water element some more and make it more noticeable, especially with this show being the most natural of the bunch - it's already looking so good though!

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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On 9/25/2023 at 4:51 PM, Bookworm91 said:

LOVE LOVE LOVE that flying camera motion!  That may be my favorite part haha.  I mean the choreography was stunning and all, but that flying camera, beautiful 😍


On 9/26/2023 at 9:42 AM, wolfpaw said:

Agreed, love what you did with the sudden movement of the camera! That must have been a PAIN to sync up, haha. Love what you're doing on the ground for this show with the chasing comets and fire! Will we be seeing some more water in this show? Might be cool to add in a water element some more and make it more noticeable, especially with this show being the most natural of the bunch - it's already looking so good though!

Thank you all so much for your praise on that camera shot! I think I need to tweak it a bit more, but overall I'm getting much more familiar with the FCR. I had considered water fountains when building the set, but ultimately decided I would save those for a future show, probably Spook since it will be in-the-round. 

I will leave this last little teaser as the final update before releasing the show in its entirety.


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Wow I really am loving the progression of this project!! The tight choreography, the free flow of the camera, the intensity of the music. It all flows together marvelously! I know you are exploring the FCR like you said and that excites me because I CANNOT wait to see what you do with that more in the future! 

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Oooh it's all coming together! Super excited to see this! Looks like you've officially nailed that 4k recording as well!


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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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On 10/2/2023 at 3:15 PM, jaronimo.mov said:

Wow I really am loving the progression of this project!! The tight choreography, the free flow of the camera, the intensity of the music. It all flows together marvelously! I know you are exploring the FCR like you said and that excites me because I CANNOT wait to see what you do with that more in the future! 

Always such a treat to see you comment on my work, Jaron! Thank you so much for the kind words, sir. I hope to not disappoint with this one!

On 10/2/2023 at 3:33 PM, JB said:

The slow motion really adds gravitas and beauty to the video! 🎇

Thank you! I will definitely be playing around more with slow mo going forward ⌛

On 10/4/2023 at 7:52 AM, wolfpaw said:

Oooh it's all coming together! Super excited to see this! Looks like you've officially nailed that 4k recording as well!




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It's interesting how both versions have their advantages: The cinematic camera makes for a more dramatic show and allows us to see, in finer detail, some aspects of the show, like the overhead shots of the barges. And the fixed camera version gives us a better overall feel for the show; how it all fits together. It also gives us a better feel for the symmetry and synchronization.

I'll let others, more knowledgeable than me, comment on the individual elements of the show. Suffice it to say that I enjoyed it! Thanks. 🙂👍

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It's absolutely mind-blowing the glow up from Bite O' Fun to Bite O' Bark - this is such an improvement from your last short, and to think it was only a few months apart is pretty insane. I've said this before when you showed me some sneak peeks and I'll say it again, your groundwork is by far the best aspect of this show! There's so much energy going off on the ground, it matches that fast-paced soundtrack beautifully. That lighting and color choices... and that GREEN SECTION! Beautiful all around!

If this is what we have in store for us with just these small shorts, I can't wait to see what you do with Octane and your future projects!

  • Thanks 1

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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7 hours ago, JB said:

It's interesting how both versions have their advantages: The cinematic camera makes for a more dramatic show and allows us to see, in finer detail, some aspects of the show, like the overhead shots of the barges. And the fixed camera version gives us a better overall feel for the show; how it all fits together. It also gives us a better feel for the symmetry and synchronization.

I'll let others, more knowledgeable than me, comment on the individual elements of the show. Suffice it to say that I enjoyed it! Thanks. 🙂👍

Thank you so much for calling the difference out, JB! When I was planning out the FCR pans, I noticed early on that I was losing some of the "front stage" and aerial effects, so I decided to include the stationary camera so that the effort wouldn't be lost. A million thank yous for appreciating the inclusion of both! 

4 hours ago, Anon-P said:

Ah yes, another Kablary banger.

Can't wait for the last two shows tho!

Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have absolutely no game plan for these things! I just wing it, so I too cannot wait to see how they turn out 😅 Thanks Anon!

4 hours ago, wolfpaw said:

It's absolutely mind-blowing the glow up from Bite O' Fun to Bite O' Bark - this is such an improvement from your last short, and to think it was only a few months apart is pretty insane. I've said this before when you showed me some sneak peeks and I'll say it again, your groundwork is by far the best aspect of this show! There's so much energy going off on the ground, it matches that fast-paced soundtrack beautifully. That lighting and color choices... and that GREEN SECTION! Beautiful all around!

If this is what we have in store for us with just these small shorts, I can't wait to see what you do with Octane and your future projects!

I think I told you a few days ago that I still preferred Fun to Bark, but after completing this short show and hammering out that green finale, I've finally come around to loving this one over the former. Thank you for all of your support throughout the creation of this show! You are undoubtedly the single greatest asset and source of inspiration we pyro peeps have. DON'T EVER LEAVE US!

I foolishly left out a special THANK YOU to @Bookworm91 and @wolfpaw for lending their editing talents to the some of the effects used in this show. Bite O' Bark wouldn't have been nearly as powerful without the altered fire whips you two provided. 

And since I did this for the last show, I thought I'd do it again - the infamous hyper-expanded MixMaster. This shows every effect placed, minus the beginning and end of the longer fog bits.


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And this is only for a less than 2-minute show, imagine how this would look for an 8+ minute show 🙃 Super cool to see all the hard work into one big image like that, I'm really curious how my mixmasters would look but definitely not spending hours putting that together, haha

  • Haha 1

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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Wow,  I appreciate both versions of the show. Like JB said, it's very interesting how both versions display and invoke a different feeling or emotion. Very well done! I loved the energy that the show brings, and the tight knit choreography! Very well done, once again! I also enjoyed the lasers and color schemes that you used. Also I LOVE the crispness of the video! You all have really managed to find a way around RCT3's old engine to produce immaculate work, it's very impressive! Sooo crisp.

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I love how the flying camera reveals the layers and depth of the set and show- it feels so immersive. I also love how the fixed camera reveals the size and scope of the show. It takes a couple of watches to pick out all the details you have packed in between the beautifully active lighting and the dancing synchronization of the pyro. 

It really feels like you're getting into the creative zone and have refined many tools in your choreographing toolkit here. I'm very much looking forward to the next one and our future FT company revival Carnage remake show!! 

  • Thanks 1

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On 10/12/2023 at 6:18 AM, wolfpaw said:

And this is only for a less than 2-minute show, imagine how this would look for an 8+ minute show 🙃 Super cool to see all the hard work into one big image like that, I'm really curious how my mixmasters would look but definitely not spending hours putting that together, haha

We'll find out next year sometime.....

On 10/13/2023 at 5:53 PM, jaronimo.mov said:

Wow,  I appreciate both versions of the show. Like JB said, it's very interesting how both versions display and invoke a different feeling or emotion. Very well done! I loved the energy that the show brings, and the tight knit choreography! Very well done, once again! I also enjoyed the lasers and color schemes that you used. Also I LOVE the crispness of the video! You all have really managed to find a way around RCT3's old engine to produce immaculate work, it's very impressive! Sooo crisp.

Thank you so much! I thought about Grow a lot during the final nights working on this one - it inspired me to keep going because I know you never gave up despite the massive choreo challenges you faced during that one. Let me know when you're ready to start making shows again, Jaron. I'll walk you through the steps of crisp screen recording 💓 

6 hours ago, Sinjon said:

I love how the flying camera reveals the layers and depth of the set and show- it feels so immersive. I also love how the fixed camera reveals the size and scope of the show. It takes a couple of watches to pick out all the details you have packed in between the beautifully active lighting and the dancing synchronization of the pyro. 

It really feels like you're getting into the creative zone and have refined many tools in your choreographing toolkit here. I'm very much looking forward to the next one and our future FT company revival Carnage remake show!! 

"Choreographing tookit" has a wonderfully sophisticated ring to it 🤩 Thanks Sino! I hope to continue to make these things look as good going forward. As for Carnage, I don't know man....I think you and I could come up with something better to collab on!


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On 10/21/2023 at 9:43 PM, Bookworm91 said:

EXCUSE ME?!? Not in time for Halloween??? I want to speak to the manager! 😡

Kidding kidding kidding…or am I 😜

Hahaha, I don't know if I'm already burnt out on the spookies of October or if I'm just feeling the time crunch wane my interest, but I'm only 30% done with the laser work, and I haven't even touched pyro yet! I'm working longer hours on increasingly busier days, so once I get home I really have to force myself to open up RCT3 and make some progress. I could probably release the show in a half-baked effort in time for the 31st, but I really don't want to showcase an incomplete production.

And by the way, I AM THE MANAGER.

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9 hours ago, Kablary said:

Hahaha, I don't know if I'm already burnt out on the spookies of October or if I'm just feeling the time crunch wane my interest, but I'm only 30% done with the laser work, and I haven't even touched pyro yet! I'm working longer hours on increasingly busier days, so once I get home I really have to force myself to open up RCT3 and make some progress. I could probably release the show in a half-baked effort in time for the 31st, but I really don't want to showcase an incomplete production.

And by the way, I AM THE MANAGER.

Totally understandable - you've been hard at work with nonstop updates and shows for months now! It's totally alright to take breaks for a bit! Usually what I do when I'm burnt out is just leave my thoughts on other projects and maybe work on something different like a ride or park or something in Planet Coaster or Planet Zoo (or just play other games in the meantime and take a break). No one should ever give anyone on here a hard time for taking time off of their own projects! If your project isn't ready by Halloween then that's okay, we'll still be just as excited whenever it's ready to release! 😊

As for your photo update - LOVE the look of it, are those lasers that are breaking the sky like that or is that a post-production edit?

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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12 hours ago, wolfpaw said:

Totally understandable - you've been hard at work with nonstop updates and shows for months now! It's totally alright to take breaks for a bit! Usually what I do when I'm burnt out is just leave my thoughts on other projects and maybe work on something different like a ride or park or something in Planet Coaster or Planet Zoo (or just play other games in the meantime and take a break). No one should ever give anyone on here a hard time for taking time off of their own projects! If your project isn't ready by Halloween then that's okay, we'll still be just as excited whenever it's ready to release! 😊

As for your photo update - LOVE the look of it, are those lasers that are breaking the sky like that or is that a post-production edit?

Thanks for your continued support and cheerleading, Wolfie! The picture is indeed all in-game; I only did a little tweaking in Photoshop to make the red lasers burn a little brighter behind a low-opacity fog brush.. Here are the unedited originals:




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