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Francecoaster's Twister More CT

   (1 review)

16 Screenshots

About This File

Author: Francescoaster

Reuploaded by: Wilhelm1407

I have added an instructional Read Me file for how to install this CT. I have also added blueprint track files both with and without supports. I've also added new HD screenshots. Enjoy! 

NOTE: Most of Francescoaster's CTs require SwissCheese's Flat Stations. 
Please download and install before using this CT. 



Edited by FrancesCoaster

User Feedback

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I tried it, and i was satisfied with the execution. The layout is the iconic Mr. Twister at the defunct Elitch Gardens (the original park, which closed in 1994 and relocated in 1995 to a new location in Denver), and this is a pretty good ride. It's tall, fast and has a long layout full of dips, turns and the iconic helix that wraps around the station. The only "con" is that the CT takes a lot of space and some places on the track may appear as a bit janky, but for the rest it is a really good CT

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