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All downloadable content for games not listed on our community.

17 files

  1. This contains every single tools that were used to mod Ultimate Ride games. The only exception are programs and needed extensions to export to .mx formats, but these can be found anyway.
    Programs that can be used to export to .mx
    1. Zmodeler 1.07b
    2. Milkshape with Ultimate Ride extensions
    3 0
  2. Def Leppard
    Custom Song for Clone Hero and Custom Background. Video file is in 4K resolution.
    How to Install:
    1. Download the song file from google.
    2. Unzip the file and place in your designated SONGS folder for Clone Hero
    3. Place video file in song file. DO NOT RENAME.
    1 0
  3. Alan Jackson
    Summertime Blues
    The Greatest Hits Collection
    Custom Song for Clone Hero and Custom Background. Video file is in 4K resolution.
    How to Install:
    1. Download the song file from google.
    2. Unzip the file and place in your designated SONGS folder for Clone Hero
    3. Place video file in song file. DO NOT RENAME.
    9 0
  4. Def Leppard
    Custom Song for Clone Hero and Custom Background. Video file is in 4K resolution.
    How to Install:
    1. Download the song file from google.
    2. Unzip the file and place in your designated SONGS folder for Clone Hero
    3. Place video file in song file. DO NOT RENAME.
    1 0
  5. Acacia Planks Block from Minecraft for Rolling Line
    0 0
  6. Cornflower flower bed prop for Rolling Line!
    1 0
  7. Replica of the signal tower by ATLAS. Building Prop for Rolling Line!
    0 0
  8. This is a replica livery of the Roaring Camp Beach Train Engine for Rolling Line.
    0 0
  9. Margaritaville is coming to Rolling Line! This pack includes building props based on my Margaritaville theme park. This pack will be updated as buildings are created.
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  10. Littletown is a Rolling Line Layout I build completely in VR.
    0 0
  11. K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider

    Original Model by Dukeboy320: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/9c7ec242d7ffa7eaf1335b4fef92b83f/Knight-Rider-KITT
    0 0
  12. UNO Card Deck for Rolling Line.
    0 0
  13. Custom Modelled Hand Car Locomotive for Rolling Line.
    1 0
  14. Tender Liveries for Rolling Line
    -Texas & Pacific Tender Livery
    -Roaring Camp & Big Trees Tender Livery Black
    -Roaring Camp & Big Trees Tender Green
    0 0
  15. Caboose Liveries for Rolling Line
    -UP 49940
    -Santa Fe 999628
    -WABASH 2834
    0 0
  16. Waterfall SFX for Rolling Line
    10 0
  17. UP518125 Hopper Livery for Rolling Line.
    0 0

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