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Disney's America Park - Bench Four...I mean THREE by Citytrader and Wagi


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Nope...neither of us have passed away to that "Great Theme Park In The Sky"...  Well, I certainly haven't, and Rich always smells like that...

Real-life, etc., etc. always tends to intrude.  Mine was dealing with osteoarthritis, particularly in my knees.  In an effort to stave off knee replacement surgery I had procedures on both knees cleaning up rough surfaces, deadening some nerves, and then some injections, followed by physical therapy sessions.  So my time sitting at the computer was limited for awhile. 

Rich's was keeping awake I think...

Then I got bored, and while Rich was trying to finish up adding a few details to the Boardwalk/Victory Field bench, I said I'd clean up a few things on the New Orleans/Enterprise bench...

He should never have agreed.

As usual, my little 'cleaning up' quickly turned into "oh, this would work here and that might fit in over there" and before you know it I had the whole bench full.  (I really need to stop scrolling through the Workshop seeing 'what's new'...it's additive).  So Enterprise doubled in size, New Orleans had some major tweaks and I added an entire new area honoring US National Parks (and the Country Bears...).

Both benches just need to wait until schools out and Rich manages to find any time to even open the game.  But it will be soon...ish.

Trust me.

In the meantime we'll start our tour of Bench Four THREE- Victory Field, Seaside Boardwalk, Hyperion Studios and whatever else I managed to cram in there.  Apologies in advance for the quality of the screenshots, I had them cranked up high, but some things - mostly the in-game textures - turned out muddy.  One of the limitations on this game when your park bench is full of details.

Now, to spray a little air freshener...Rich is a little 'ripe' today...

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Exiting Union Station from the 1939 New York World's Fair, we suddenly find ourselves on Hyperion Avenue in sunny Los Angeles. 


This was shortly before the Disney Brothers moved their studio to Burbank in 1940.


The original Studio building I based mine off of.  It's not exact, but close...


Let's head in through the main gate...


Checking Sound Stage 1 we find Donald and Daisy shooting a short feature about Victory Gardens for the war effort...


All the Sound Stages are busy it seems! This one features Mickey and Minnie with their private trailers greeting visitors...


Across to SoundStage 3, where Chip n' Dale are busy in their treehouse...


You can even partake of some good old-fashioned Nut Bread there!


Sound Stage 5 houses both a small food court, but also Peg-Leg Pete's Boat Ride (ride at your own risk...)



The Studios is also home to the Disney Theater...


Which features old Mickey Mouse Shorts on two screens...


Above it all is the iconic Disney Studios Sign...


Access near the back of the theater leads to the Park's Club 33 members-only dining...


The other side features a snack bar...


The centerpiece of the Studios...Mickey Mouse's home!  (This is such a fun Workshop blueprint!)


Car's parked by the garage...might Mickey be home?


There's the Big Cheese himself!


Looks like Pluto is on guard duty...


We'll take a short commercial break...


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Continuing on...Donald is one busy duck!  He's shooting a feature film outside aboard the SS Leaky Boat


Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho!  The Seven Dwarfs, Snow White and the Evil Queen greet visitors...


Wouldn't be right to forget Steamboat Willie!


Goofy has two rides here..."Learn To Fly the Goofy way..." for youngsters, and "Air Goody" for the more adventurous...




There's a couple empty Sound Stages across the street (hey, I had to cut back somewhere!)...


At the end of the street we leave Hyperion Studios and enter Victory Field, which salutes the Armed Forces of WWII...


We'll take another commercial break to give my keyboard a rest...



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Mickey's house is freakin' perfect.. all of this is just so well done. Really captures that studio backlot tour vibe perfectly!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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All of this looks incredible!

Mickey's house is the icing on the cake. Reminds me of the old Toon Town in the MK at WDW.

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"There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope." - Mark Twain

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Thanks guys! 

I can't take credit for Mickey's House, that was actually based on "Mickey's Burgers" by ericsnoopy, a blueprint from the Workshop.  I tweaked it by removing the back half, taking out the food stalls, changing around the interior and moving things like chimneys and such, but the basic blueprint remains his work.  I DID make MIckey's mailbox though!  LOL!  I then added the little park to try to blend the cartoon with the realistic (-ish)...

ericsnoopy also has a couple other similar whimsical Disney-themed blueprints released, in fact Goofy's biplane and the water tower on one of the soundstage roofs are also taken from some of his other blueprints that I kitbashed from... 

There wasn't really room for an entire 'Toon Town" in this park (and originally we didn't plan on having ANY of the characters, but then realized we're talking about a Disney Park here...but we tried not to overwhelm...).  But when I saw these in the Workshop I knew at least one of them really needed to be included.  I think it all works well when included with the idea of the Studio where the characters were created.


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Before we move on to explore Victory Field, here's a few night-time views of Walt Disney Studios...

The Studio sign is iconic (available in the Workshop...)



Walt Disney Theater with Dumbo flying overhead (and you though being under some pigeons was bad...)


Interior shows Mickey shorts...


The Big House...


Donald and Daisy still going over their lines...


Mickey and Minnie invite you over for s'mores...


Peg-Leg Pet's ahead...


Is that Donald's double???


Still Hi-Ho'ing...




Side exit to Victory Field...




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Another great share, the layout of it is awesome. Even the not so themed buildings are just spot on - gives it that old Spanish deco look that California uses!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now onto the next part of this bench...Victory Field 1943...

This area is a tribute to the World War 2 era, however we wanted to kind of distance it from the "Allies vs Axis" theme and go instead from the angle that this airfield is mainly for training.  The main coaster (yes, there finally IS a coaster in this park...) is V for Victory, and while it does include flying through a battlefield the 'enemy' isn't noted.  I think that's how Disney would likely have handled it.  Animated characters show up in this area because they were a big part of Disney's war effort, and because it's located so close to the Hyperion Studios section.


Let's start the tour...


The main gate...


Behind is the headquarters building.  At this time the Air Force was still a part of the regular US Army...


Heading down a path lined with military equipment...


Quonset huts feature assorted shops and guest services facilities such as restrooms and first aid stations...20230601141347_1.jpg.1b3b9143493699e0b79959f50d67bb3e.jpg

Our first ride...Wild Blue Yonder


The USO served service personnel, a job it also performs here at Disney America...


There's a side entrance that leads back to Hyperion Studios...


Heading past Wild Blue Yonder to the back corner of the area, water tower, shops on the right, main hanger building for V for Victory coaster on the left...




Interior of the hanger with station...


Heading out to the main runway...


Control tower signals you're cleared for take-off...


Barrage balloons to be avoided as well as fighters ready for a dog-fight...


Watch out for gun emplacements along the cliffs!20230601141900_1.jpg.be9fe3dabfb55845865b9cf8f95ce9e5.jpg

Luckily we made it back to Victory Field and a safe landing...


Past V for Victory the path continues...


Ahead is the Victory Canteen Food Court...20230601141953_1.jpg.60a740f7d0bcbac4d0bddb5b022c6ace.jpg



Around the corner is the Disney Theater, showing the war-time animated feature "Victory Through Air Power"...20230612141917_1.jpg.7cf68fe441b2cad34d9a194bf195f808.jpg



Several more Quonset huts before our next ride - Flying Ace!



A quiet rest area at the end of the path...20230601142119_1.jpg.bafc31bd90502987095ebffacab82f82.jpg

We'll pause and rest ourselves before we move on to explore the other half of Victory Field...


("V for Victory" coaster was a Workshop find called "argentum 2" by DarthFart that I tweaked and added on to....)




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The signs are such a cool addition, really adds that realism feel to your park. Loving what I'm seeing so far!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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Now that we've found a quiet spot to rest our feet...20230601142119_1.jpg.2572ca40689748a9bcaf0e594fa46901.jpg


It's time to retrace our steps back to Victory Field's Main Gate...   (Yep, I know Disney would have tried to avoid a dead-end path, but in this case it was either that or an exceptionally long and boring path clear to the otherside, so I went with the dead-end...)


There's a sign directing us to Camp Lehigh...the name might ring a bell...


Picnicking area ahead...20230601142213_1.jpg.614c7e55902ad0fc1ed7ebd2a6c62f9c.jpg

Inside the large hangers are several flat rides...first up is The Flying Ducks Hosted by none other than Donald Duck...20230601142229_1.jpg.e54b09965167c5d4884a3f4ec402a939.jpg


Followed by the Junior Flight Trainer for the little ones...


Quonset huts with food services line the road...gate to Camp Lehigh in the background...20230601142312_1.jpg.4be4c016e0d9d3343c18201108cdbf98.jpg

If you turn to the right just before that gate there's a quiet area with food, restrooms and a great view of the coaster...20230601142335_1.jpg.8316aebf8ae4dff56a44644cd861a574.jpg

Now we come to Camp Lehigh itself...a special Strategic Science Reserve area of Victory Field...


The posters give a hint as to it's purpose...  (Yep, Disney Synergy on full display here!)



Cap himself displaying some special moves for visitors...


Camp Lehigh features two flat rides - Elixir and Psychia. 


Outside of Victory Field there's a path leading to the Walt Disney Studios, or further down will cross the railroad tracks to the Seaside Boardwalk are of the park...



There's a secondary gate to Victory Field located along the way...


Now it's time to visit the next area...Seaside Boardwalk 1890, a celebration of ocean boardwalks, turn of the century amusement parks, and America's favorite - the Circus!



That's it for this edition...


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So I guess it's my turn to continue the tour;

We boxed ourselves in a little bit when we decided to place Victory Field behind the American Eagle coaster, and wound up having to put that long winding path along the side of the coaster to gain access, but it gives great views of the coaster and the railroad, and what the heck!

Here's the front side of the coaster;





Next door is the Hurly Burly, a Vaudeville Theatre that stages all kinds of events and concerts;



The entrance arch to Dreamland is off the workshop, but heavily reworked by me;



The 1890 Ballroom is next up where you can hear live bands perform Dixieland Jazz, the Standards, and big band music;



A small pier jutting into Lake America houses an arcade, a couple small kiddie rides, and a recreation of the famous Parachute Drop from Coney Island;





A couple shots of the Promenade at night;





More to come!



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Didn't think it could look prettier but then you showed night shots.. amazing project so far!!

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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You can't fool us, citytrader. That vintage daytime pic is just an old faded postcard. Does the Illusionist or Bostock's have a working interior of some sort? I would guess a restaurant or restroom; anything to get the peeps to go inside.

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I legit thought that vintage picture was the real photo and the one you posted before was the recreation in Planet Coaster... it's just that good.

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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JB, Bostocks has a spin and puke inside, honestly can't remember which one!

Here's a few more shots of Dreamland Midway;

The Foolish House. The eyes open, close and look around! Very creepy looking!




Another view of the Foolish House and the Dewdrop, courtesy of JPAlmighty!




The Dewdrop and an Arcade. I believe it's one of Frontier's buildings I reworked.




And finally, the Whip!




Since you all liked the old postcard bit, here's one of the Whip as well;




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Geez, that animated face is terrifying! So many of the illustrations from that era are that way, not sure why. (I'm thinking of the Steeplechase Park guy.😬)  I'm wondering what the "Dewdrop" is; some sort of freefall ride? It's nice to see some input from JPAlmighty. 🙂

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