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Hi all, Heth here.

I've been working on this for 3 years. This park is based in the fictional 'Planco Power Station' (heavily based upon Battersea Power Station), a long disused station now being turned into the latest thrilling theme park.

The park features 4 dark rides and 5 coasters inside and outside the main station itself, with a particularly large indoor section within the station.




Unbelievably rad. 

First of all, fantastic production quality on that video. But none of that even touches the MASSIVE quality of work put into this park. It's everything I'd expect from an elaborate amusement adventure: rich, thematic detailing (not just 2D cutouts and silk flowers), densely-packed and interactive rides, and tremendous interconnectedness (not even sure that's a word).

The storytelling from the Revolutions ride is outstanding! All those timed electrical bits are brilliant, and in combination with the music create sweeping excitement for the viewer (especially that big reveal after the electrical pylons). Every vignette featured is so well-done on this attraction...Disney wishes they could build something like this. 

Bullet Train was delightfully thrilling, and zipping in and out of all that scenery enhanced that experience so much more! I could feel the airtime on this. My favorite moment was feeling like I was going to crash into that precariously-dangled train car.

War of the Worlds - there isn't a single dark ride shooter that comes close to this. Totally next-level, and the overlay of the original radio program during the ride adds such an intense and authentic sense of realism. 

Mad Science Laboratory was pure kooky fun, very reminiscient of The Haunted Mansion in its layout of scenes. I enjoyed the callbacks to Revolutions, like the anti-gravity gun! Very impressive how many animated/timed sequences you've been able to cram into these dark rides - and really it's not doing them enough justice to call them that. Every ride so far is a standout! 

Lunar Voyage reminds me of that one building in Deathloop where you have to fight tons of baddies throughout a space-themed multi-story lasertag attraction. While this ride seems to appeal to younger riders, the theming doesn't take a backseat at all! I particularly love how the track enters its own private room of the building - not only do you get to traverse over the crowds and rooftops below, but the ride is able to have its own unique section away from curious eyes. New riders never know what to expect!

As a guy who loves all things spooky, having House of the Invisible Man to break up the otherwise-jolly lineup so far was awesome. Plus in the end, the "bad guy" get to have his cake and eat it, too! (Not sure why banks of the time kept such comically large jewels in their safes, but I digress...)

Shock honestly felt all-too-short of a ride, but obviously this one is all about that electrifying (see what I did there?) launch sequence, and I suppose sometimes you need a quick ride (like the following Test Pilot coaster) to break up the epic ones so plentifully available. Still, you managed to stuff a decent number of inversions in a 1-minute coaster! Again, great interactivity here with the surrounding environment.

Pig on the Wing was a really cute concept that was themed very well. It's just thrilling enough for teeny boppers who might otherwise be intimidated by the larger neighboring coasters, but not so scary that younger families can't enjoy it, too.

I watched the entire video from start to finish (with some repeats for my favorite moments), and this blows everything else I've ever seen out of the water. I love that you started us out with the Revolutions attraction, as that was basically a foreword for the entire park.  It's all very tangible - something akin to Tokyo DisneySea where the theming is RIDICULOUSLY epic (read: $$$) but not so outlandish or fantastical that it could only exist in a theme park sim. Your combination of Victorian-era Steampunk meets Atom/Dieselpunk is expertly laid out...there wasn't a naked corner in any attraction. And that lighting! Your colors were brighty and punchy where they needed to be, layering beautifully in many scenes, particularly in the larger darkrides. The omnipresent amber glow gave the entire station a nice gaslamp-lit ambiance that provided a beautiful backdrop for the hot pinks and cool blues. 

I'll repeat: production value is superb. Editing, sound effects, music...this was a film, not just a video of your park. 

I can see why this took 3 years. Frankly, I'm shocked it didn't take longer. Thank you so much for sharing this creation with us.

Something, sometime, eventually...

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Hi, thank you so much for your kind words!

I understand what you mean about 'interconnectedness'. Revolutions and Mad Science Lab specifically are both built underneath the main paths of the interior of the park, and there is still scope to put more rides in on top. The Invisible Man ride is directly above the space section of Revolutions.

Regarding Shock, this was actually an unplanned ride. Originally there was a shuttle coaster there, but then I retroactively inserted Shock in. As a result I had to fit it around other structures and rides.

Finally got around to sitting and watching this and WOW - completely blown away by the work done in this! Everything was so finely detailed, love how story-driven and cohesive everything was.

That War of the Worlds shooting ride is extremely well done too, probably one of my favorites - I wasn't even aware you could do something like that in Planet Coaster! Thanks so much for sharing, I'm super excited to see what you do next (also good luck, this one is going to be pretty tough to top)!

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

Like wolfpaw, I finally made time to watch this epic video, and......WOW! Visual overload! Beauty overload! Excitement overload! (I'm feeling a little overloaded.) :classic_tongue: I remember most of these rides (and individual ride videos) from Shyguy's World. It's great to have one of our premiere park, ride, and video makers here at ParkCrafters, Heth! Thanks so much for this video.

It's not your unparalleled building skills, nor your mastery of lighting, it's plain and simple your imagination that I'm most jealous of! 

You not only come up with fantastic theming, but I know few who have your skills at combining individual parts to create such a whole. 

It's been a pleasure to watch progress on different parts of this over the years, and this video is a wonderful testament to the work and creativity you've put into this (and all your other projects...).

Bravo.  Bravo indeed.

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