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Everything posted by Gin

  1. This is insanely good! So much of this looks crazy realistic. I really like your little garden/greenhouse. I WANT MORE!
  2. This is actually a really cool concept! The set is already an added plus in my books for its uniqueness. I see this show has been a WIP for years now, but I'm glad you're still interested in finishing it. Good luck!
  3. Oohh.. I likey! The set is really pretty. Call me intrigued!
  4. Oh, wow! I really like the color combinations in these pictures! I really like the logo as well - it makes so much sense now with those photos.
  5. Gin

    Northridge Park

    Hahaha Thanks, man!
  6. Talk about a catalog of work! Most of these bring back so many memories... The only show I've never managed to watch in its entirety to this day is WoC - but I think I've told you that already. Here's to more projects/shows to come!
  7. It was alright... I kid - this is certainly unique and it works for what you were aiming for! This reminds me when I was a kid, and in art class made kaleidoscopes - colorful, a little trippy, but absolutely beautiful.
  8. I mean.. I don't even know what to say... I know I'm a little late, but better late than never! I can't even tell you the amount of times I've seen this show since you released it. Not only did you pull off a true 'first ever' 4k show, but you helped re-inspire so many people in the community to create shows of their own - including myself. Big congratulations to you, and excited to see what else is up your sleeve! P.S. Right, I forgot, the show - spectacular! The lighting, show progression, camera work, choreography, soundtrack choice/edit, and set was all spot on!
  9. NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! The fact that you're finally going to finish this very long WIP brings me so much joy. The music, as you know, I'm a huge fan of Porter, so to see you make a show with it is super exciting! GIMME THE SINO BLINDING LEVEL LASERS!!
  10. Oh, wow! This is mighty impressive! The fact that RCT3 continues to surprise me with the things it can do, and still do, is unbelievable. I seriously can't wait to see what else you're able to do. Thanks for sharing!
  11. This is looking absolutely incredible already! I'm especially impressed by the skill, patience, and dedication this project has taken, and will take until completion. I sincerely wish you and Darknight the very best of luck on this project. Have fun with it!
  12. I really like your set! It's a fun soundtrack to choreograph. Don't be afraid to go big with the lasers and pyro - the more lasers and pyro, the better. Especially in those bass beats. It's looking really good though - keep it up!
  13. Not an expert or professional by any means. It's just something I like to do as a hobby. I mainly shoot landscapes/cityscapes/nightscapes. Occasionally, I also like to deviate into other forms of photography. I'll periodically post a photo here and there. I hope you all enjoy!
  14. I can smell the chlorine already... This is impressive, and by the looks of it, tons of fun to ride. I really like the way you incorporated all the animatronics and trigger sequences - reminds me very much like the pirates of the Caribbean ride.
  15. It's a perfect family ride! Very much like a haunted house you'd find in October for Halloween, but with this, it's open year-long. nice job!
  16. I am absolutely amazed by the set itself! its absolutely massive, but holds a lot of potential. I can't wait to see all these lasers in action! Just by seeing those 2 photos, I can already tell it's going to be a gorgeous show.
  17. Gin

    Uhh Hello

    I'll think about it... haha
  18. Built on an old 19th-century railway system for industrial use, its founder decided to expand his business to commercial use. After acquiring a large tract of land, and recognizing the potential of combining leisure and transport, the founder envisioned creating a unique attraction centered around the railway. After years of developing the land, he built it into a picturesque and family-friendly destination. Capitalizing on the popularity of rail travel, the park featured charming gardens, a carousel, a Ferris wheel, and several other classic amusement rides. Over the decades, the theme park is to be expanded and evolve through the years. Themed sections will become a hallmark throughout the park with the railway prominently servicing its guests. The entrance of the park along with a fountain may be edited to better fit its surrounding theming. The ticketing booths for the parking lots ahead - General, Premium, and Oversized lots with their respective prices. The top corner exit to the employee's parking lot along with a discreet/unassuming staff building that will look similar to its surrounding theming. A portion of the newly built parking lot. On the left is 'General Parking', and to the Right is Premium Parking. All wheelchair accessible. This park is in its absolute infancy - as of now, all I've been building is its infrastructure and general shape and design. I've got other portions of the park under construction, but still too new to share as of now.
  19. This is a really cool concept! I can tell you've put in some work in this attraction. We'll done!
  20. This is actually really cool! I like the song choice - brings me back to some good, fun times...
  21. One of the things I really like about planco is its ability for nighttime lighting. Keep working on it - it's coming along nicely!
  22. Really pretty! This circus area is coming up nicely. Keep it up!
  23. I know these are not going to be exact replicas of the real thing, but to see the creativity to make it look as close to the real thing is really cool to look at! These all look awesome. Keep it up!
  24. I've seen so many people's creations, yet it never ceases to amaze me the ingenuity and creativity of the work people continue to create. I really like how you built that restaurant! I'm really excited to see your next update.
  25. I wish I was this good at making coasters! I also really like your ride skin for Cyborg - it's themed just enough to make it look unique. Your whole park looks amazing!
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