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Howdy friends, today is @wolfpaw’s very special day!

Almost one year ago (holy moly), Wolfie took it upon himself to carry on the proverbial Theme Park Sim torch so that the many gamers who still enjoy RCT3 have access to literal decades of downloadable content. And the rest of us who play other sims have another friendly place to share their projects and bounce ideas off one another. For the past 15 years, he’s been a bastion of guidance, memes and encouragement to every forum member from vPyro, SGW, RCTLounge, TCL, and now ParkCrafters.

He’s given us this new home, and if you’ve been able to share in this gift, please join me in wishing Wolfie a very Happy Birthday!!

Luv ya pal 

- Kab

Edited by Kablary

Something, sometime, eventually...

  • Kablary featured this topic

Who, now? 😈  Thank you very much for giving us ParkCrafters, Wolfpaw. It's much appreciated.

Aw, this was so unexpected! Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! And thanks for starting this thread @Kablary, means a lot to me! ❤️

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

  • Kablary unfeatured this topic

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