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Wheel Animation Tutorial by SLC


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Wheel Animation Tutorial by SLC


  • Difficulty: Medium / Hard
  • Bone Knowledge

Open your Sketchup model. You need to separate every single wheel. Name the wheels by right-clicking the wheel and select: “Entity Info.” Give the wheels the name: Wheel01. Then the next wheel will be Wheel02 etc. Measure the size of your wheel by drawing for example a line that shows the radius. In the middle, you add a text point like this:


It needs to be exactly in the middle! If this is not done correct your wheels will do very weird in-game! Now change the text of the bone: ik_wheel01lt40.


  • “ik_” ~ is standard.
  • “wheelXX” ~ this is the number of your wheel. If the bone is added to Wheel01 you need to rename the bone to: wheel01.
  • “lt” ~ this stands for the side and radius. You always need to leave the t. You need to change the l to side of your model. If the model is on the right it should be: rt. r = right, l = left
  •  “20” is the radius. If it’s right you measured the wheel radius. If my wheel is 40cm big, you need to have: “40”

Apply this to all of your wheels.

Now export to “*.ase” and open it in the importer. Set coordinate system to: “Right-Handed Z-Up”. Once you’re in the model window, press the “A” in the effects window. Then press “Add Missing Effect Bones”.


If it’s right you should see this:


Add textures to the model and press “Ok”. Convert it to an animated model by clicking the “->” arrow. Open it again.


  1. Double click the bone.
  2. Slide down the “Assigned Meshes” box and select the right wheel (with right I mean: I used the bone ik_wheel01rt20 so the assigned mesh is “Wheel01”
  3. Once selected press the “+”

Go to the box “Position 1” and press on the “E”


  1. Enter the value “270”
  2. Press “RotX”

Press “Ok.” Do this to every wheel once you’re done! Click “Ok” and a LOD by clicking the “+” in the LODs window.

I hope this tutorial helped!

Created by SLC. Superlegochannel 2013©

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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