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Guide to Posting Content on ParkCrafters


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Guide to Posting Content on ParkCrafters

The purpose of this guide is to showcase all of the features ParkCrafters has to offer when it comes to posting content using topics and posts.


ParkCrafters Editor Toolbar

When creating or editing a post on ParkCrafters, there will be a toolbar displayed on the top of the editor. Below are all of the features available to you and their function so you can get the most out of formatting your content. Each tool is labeled with a number which is then explained under the image below.


1. Source - This allows you to input content using HTML instead. This tool is currently only available to administrators and moderators since allowing members to use HTML can pose a security risk for the site.

2. Bold - This allows you to bold to your text for greater emphasis. You can highlight and press Ctrl + B to quickly bold your highlighted text. Example: Bolded Text

3. Italic - This allows you to italicize your text for greater emphasis. You can highlight and press Ctrl + I to quickly italicize your highlighted text. Example: Italicized Text

4. Underline - This allows you to underline your text for greater emphasis. You can highlight and press Ctrl + U to quickly underline your highlighted text. Example: Underlined Text

5. Strikethrough - This allows you to strikeout your text. Example: Strikethrough Text

6. Subscript - This allows you to subscript numbers and text. Example: T2

7. Superscript - This allows you to superscript numbers and text. Example: T2

8. Remove Format - This allows you to remove all formatting from text that is highlighted. Very useful for when copying text over from another source and it already has formatting such as a black background or different font size.

9. Link - Allows you to add a link to any highlighted text. Example: ParkCrafters Home

10. Quote - Allows you to add text in a quote format for you to respond to. Example:


Quoted Text

11. Code - Allows you to add code snippets of various coding languages to your post. Example: 

class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, World!"); 

12. Spoiler - Adds a spoiler tag to your highlighted text so users will need to click to reveal the text. Example:


This is a spoiler.

13. Emoji - Allows you to add various emojis to your content. Example: 😀 

14. Bulleted List - Allows you to format your content into a bulleted list. Example:

  • This is a bullet list
  • This is a bullet list
  • This is a bullet list

15. Numbered List - Allows you to format your content into a numbered list. Example:

  1. This is a numbered list
  2. This is a numbered list
  3. This is a numbered list

16. Left Align - Allows you to left align your highlighted content. Example:

This is left aligned text.

17. Centered Align - Allows you to center align your highlighted content. Example:

This is center aligned text.

18. Right Align - Allows you to right align your highlighted content. Example:

This is right aligned text.

19. Justify - Allows you to justify your highlighted content. Example:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sodales lacinia tortor, a ultrices sem sollicitudin sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc consequat, odio sed volutpat rhoncus, lacus massa tincidunt magna, non luctus nunc enim ac purus. Phasellus venenatis vulputate molestie. Pellentesque pharetra efficitur velit quis eleifend. Praesent ultricies sit amet mi convallis egestas. Maecenas tincidunt diam id convallis posuere.

20. Increase Indent - Allows you to increase the indent of your content to move it more to the right. Example:

This is an increased indent.

21. Decrease Indent - Allows you to decrease any increased indent of your content to move it back to the left.

22. Text Color - Allows you to change the color of your highlighted text. Example: Colored Text

23. Background Color - Allows you to add and remove a background color for your highlighted text. Example: Background Colored Text

24. Size - Allows you to increase and decrease the size of your highlighted text.

25. Undo - Allows you to undo the last action made in the editor. You can also press Ctrl + Z to quickly undo.

26. Redo - Allows you to redo the last action made in the editor. You can also press Ctrl + Y to quickly redo.

27. Cut - Allows you to cut the highlighted content out of the editor. You can also press Ctrl + X to quickly cut.

28. Copy - Allows you to copy the highlighted content in the editor. You can also press Ctrl + C to quickly copy.

29. Paste - Allows you to paste the last thing you cut or copied into the editor. You can also press Ctrl + V to quickly paste.

30. Preview - Allows you to preview the content in the editor before having to submit and post it.


How to Embed Images & Videos

You can embed your own images and videos directly onto your post through a variety of methods.

Embed Images from Other Sites Such as Imgur

To embed images from other hosted image sites, you will need to copy the URL of your uploaded image from that site and paste it here in the editor. The image should automatically embed. A typical URL of an uploaded image from a site such as Imgur looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/nlf3SLH.jpeg

Embed Images Directly Uploaded to ParkCrafters

You can also directly upload your own images to your post and insert them into your post. Just click on the 'choose files...' option at the bottom of the editor and select the image you would like to upload. You can also click and drag the images you would like to upload directly into this area too for it to begin uploading. Once the image is uploaded, you can click hover over your image thumbnail at the bottom of the editor and click on 'Insert' to automatically embed the uploaded image onto your post, wherever your cursor is currently placed. Once embedded in the editor, you can double click your image for more options to resize and align your image to your liking.

Embed Videos from Sites Such as YouTube

To embed videeos from a video sharing website such as YouTube or Vimeo, just copy the YouTube video URL and paste it on the editor for the video to automatically embed into the post. Be sure it's the URL link and NOT the video sharing link that YouTube generates for you. An example YouTube URL that you should copy and paste will look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJTFeSX5a_Y&ab_channel=wolfpaw Unlike images, you can not resize videos.

If you ever want to delete any embedded content on a post or images that you've uploaded, just highlight the content and press the Delete key on your keyboard or click on the X on uploaded images at the bottom of the editor to remove them from your post.


Creating a New Topic on ParkCrafters

You can create a new topic on our site through various methods. Directly on our home page, you can click on 'Start New Topic' and then select where you would like your topic to be placed. You can also navigate directly to the specific category you would like to post in and click on 'Start New Topic' to create a topic in that category. Keep in mind that if your topic allows you to add tags, to please do so! This allows members to quickly view what your topic is about and for the site to organize content types and for your topic to be easily searched for when searching for tags. If you would like, you can also schedule when a topic gets published by selecting a date and time under the editor.

We hope this guide was helpful for adding content on ParkCrafters! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need further help with our posting editor, feel free to contact any staff member on ParkCrafters and we will gladly help you out.

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there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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