Posted June 1, 20231 yr Been a long break! Citytrader has been busy and I have pretty much retired from the game, but I did open up the next bench today and took some screenshots! Now if my joints can hold out long enough to post them here... This part of the park came along when Rich suggested maybe we could add a small copy of the Trylon and Perisphere, the symbols of the 1939/1940 New York World's Fair. Well, the 'small copy' became a multi-piece structure (which is still a small version of the real one...), and then I decided I should make a structure or two to go with it...a few months later and we had some 20+ pavilions and structures and I'd filled in the back third of the bench... Due to the limitation of the game (and not wanting to add even more TMTK items to the list...), most of the buildings are not duplicates, but rather homages to what appeared at the fair. There's also a number of fantastic structure found in the Workshop, a few I tweaked, others are pretty much as they were originally designed. A sincere thank-you to those who share their work with all of us! I've added a handful of period photos that show what I based my designs on as well. So, here we go... Tour The 1939/1940 New York World's Fair We last left the Depression Era and the small town farm...ahead we see a bridge creating an overpass... And we come to one of the main gates to the Fair... Ahead is a small fountain representing the world gathering together to celebrate. Behind looms the massive Ford Motors Pavilion... To the right is Hot Dog stand for those famished after the long trip to the fairgrounds... The lower part of the stand is based on an actual entry in a contest to design vendor stands before the fair opened, there's another copy elsewhere in the park with the original low dome as well... Next door was the Hills Bros Coffee Pavilion...upstairs is a coffee lounge with a Middle Eastern Art Deco feel to match their mascot... Next is the Fair's Administration Building... Based on the real-life original. I clipped the image, skewed it and used it to make a decal in the TMTK... Fair cabs - motorized pedicabs - were available for hire to save your feet from the long distances... Based on a advertisement from the Fair... Beechnut - makers of the chewing gum and other things, had a pavilion dedicated to a miniature circus... Yes, there really was such an exhibit... A wonderful Workshop find repurposed as a Coke Pavilion... Edited August 6, 20231 yr by Wabigbear spelling error
June 1, 20231 yr Author The Ford Pavilion was a showplace for Ford products. While I've modeled the building I only added the one main ride - "Road To Tomorrow" - where people could ride in new Ford automobiles on a track around and through the Pavilion Building, ending in a corkscrew path down to the loading platform. In the real version each car was driven by a chauffeur - you were just along for the ride and they didn't have to worry about bashed cars... There was also an exterior garden area with a stage and other exhibits inside which I did not attempt to model... This butted right up against the edge of the bench, so I tried to mask it with the in-game urban building cut-outs...seems to work anyways. Here's what the real Pavilion looked like... Across the street from the Ford Pavilion was an unusual one...the Wonder Bakery, where they actually made Wonder Bread every day of the fair that was sold there and throughout the New York Area... Artwork of the real pavilion my version is based on... Next up, the imposing Italia Pavilion, sponsored by the Kingdom of Italy (remember, this was 1939...) Photo of the real one...I had to make walls textured with static water to create the stair-step waterfall on the tower... The British Pavilion. For the Fair they brought over a copy of the Magna Carta for display... The Fair grounds were close to an urban area, so that's an elevated section of the subway in front... The real Pavilion.. Fair Information Booths were scattered around the grounds... Next to the Italia Pavilion was the dome of the US Steel Pavilion...(a repurposed Workshop find...) Next we'll visit Brazil, France and the Zoological Society...
June 1, 20231 yr Author Citytrader wrote: Wagi is also too modest to mention that he did this entire area himself, and it's only about 20-30 tiles deep! That's all the room I left him! He did ask me to tweek it, plus it up or whatever, but I think I moved one bush and that's about it! And he still has a ton more to show you guys!!! (Actually 'modesty' had nothing to do with it...I just forgot to mention that I was the one to blame... ~Wagi)
June 1, 20231 yr Author Just outside of the spiral ramp of the "Road to Tomorrow" at the Ford Pavilion near the UK Pavilion, was as stop for the Fair Tram. The Westinghouse Electric Exhibit was a popular site as it featured "Electro - The Moto-Man", a robot that talked and even smoked a cigarette... The United States of Brazil (as it was known then...) had a popular exhibit. Designed by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer (Niemeyer went on to design most of Brasilia, the new capital...), it contained exhibition gallery, shops, a cafe, performance stage and an outdoor garden area with many tropical plants... This Pavilion is special to me as I currently live in Brazil... Inside there's a selection of authentic art from that period by Brazilian artists... Interior garden, fish pond and then caged toucan's out front... Photos of the real pavilion I based mine on... Behind the Brazilian Pavilion was an exhibit sponsored by the New York Zoological Society. They displayed a live Panda from China, penguins, aquariums with fish from around the world and many mounted sea and shore creatures... Even before Disney, they still had you exit through a gift shop... Adjoining Brazil was the French Pavilion. The lower floors held historical and art exhibits, on the roof was the famous "Le Pavilion" Restaurant, which after the fair moved to downtown New York City as was a famous dining choice for years... The main lobby... Elevator to Le Pavilion... Restaurant interior with panoramic windows looking over the park's central lake... Open air rooftop seating...great place to watch the fireworks (for an additional charge of course...) From the front of the France Pavilion there is a path leading down to the shore and the site of Billy Rose's Aquacade Stadium... The SkyWay to the 1876 Centennial section of the park has a station here... Behind it is a Kiosk (in multiple languages) selling souvenirs... Things to remember your trip to the Fair by... Here also we find another hot dog stand, this one with the low dome copies the original design... Next up...The Automat, Canada and the Electricity Pavilion...
June 1, 20231 yr Author In case anyone is wondering about some of the strange country names and flags, I researched what was authentic for 1939. This was just before World War II and the many changes to countries names, flags and political systems. I also tried to find company logos, artwork and such that also were from 1939. Thus why there ended up being hundreds of TMTK items I made... There were also changes at the Fair from 1939 to 1940...for instance the Soviet Union had a huge pavilion for the first was torn down and they instead used a small space during the second. Nazi Germany was not there, the Empire of Japan and Kingdom of Italy were. Since this is a part of a modern theme park in the present day (Disney's America...) but is themed to 1939, I tried to hide anything dated after that, but of course modern fixtures and conveniences would, in fact, be there...
June 1, 20231 yr Author Next we have the Automat...the pinnacle of speedy cafeteria design for the Modern Age... Yes, patrons merely insert tokens to make their individual selections from a wide choice of tasty options... Across the street is the stately Pavilion of the Dominion of Canada... Which features a second entrance across from the UK Pavilion, it's Mother Country... Based in part on period artwork... The Kodak Company had numerous Photo Spots scattered around the fairgrounds... The Electricity Pavilion featured an entrance through the spillway of a hydroelectric dam... Another Tram Spot serves this area... Speaking of which, here comes one now! The engine was based on a farm tractor found in the Workshop... And the real-life inspiration... Up ahead we can see the symbol of this Fair...the Trylon and Perisphere... Disney's America's versions are at a reduced scale, but still tower over the park... (Due to limitations in the TMTK Editor, the Trylon is made up of seven sections, each 8 meters tall...) Even at that height they are no match for the real ones! Next we'll visit the Court of Nations and prepare a visit to Billy Rose's Aquacade...
June 1, 20231 yr Author According to an old floor plan, the Blue Ball on the Zoological Pavilion was labeled as a "bathysphere", so likely themed to deep sea creatures...
June 1, 20231 yr Author The Communications Pavilion, where they showcased modern miracles like television... My reduced version is just inspired by the real one... A Workshop find that fits in beautifully as a refreshment stand... Leading away from the Trylon and Perisphere was The Court Of Nations, large buildings shared a number of national pavilions under their roof... Countries could use one or more spaces for their national exhibits rather than constructing a free-standing pavilion... At the end of the Courtyard loomed the United States Federal Pavilion... Based on the real one... Heading down from the France Pavilion took you to the lakeshore... Hmmm, that one poster rings a bell...Disney synergy perhaps? Here we find the New York State Pavilion...also home to Billy Rose's Aquacade... Looks like they are rehearsing for a Little Mermaid number... The Aquacade featured the largest stadium at Disney's America, the pool floor could be raised to provide additional dry seating or performance area... High diving took place from the flanking towers... Stadium's main entrance... Located behind the stage was the New York Fair Boat Dock connecting to other points around the lake... Waiting area... Period photos... Stairs and ramp leading to the upper level on other side of the stadium...
June 1, 20231 yr you know I have commented on this in the past, but want to throw another shoutout to the awesomeness of this project
June 1, 20231 yr Author Heading up the stairs to the main level of the fair, we come across the Food Building, sort of a 1939 version of a shopping mall's food court... There's also a copy of the Fair's Coca-Cola Pavilion on the right... Interior of the Food Building... You had a great view across the lake from there. The mural was actually from the Fair... There were actually several of these Food Buildings at the Fair...I only re-created one of them... Between the Food Building and the US Federal Pavilion was a Fair Tram Stop as well as the Coke Building... Based on the historical photo (which is where I also got the idea for the light standards in the back...luckily someone had made similar on the Workshop...) On the other side of the US Federal Pavilion is an ode to the large General Motors mostly to block a view. LOL! From the other direction... The real Pavilion... Which also featured a GM built locomotive... Both lines of the Disney America Steam Train stopped at the Fair's Union Station...a fantastic Workshop find that I tweaked and enlarged... Pedicabs were also available here... And finally the other entrance/exit leading to the Victory Field and Seaside Boardwalk areas of the park... That ends our quick tour of the 1939 New York World's Fair. There's a lot I didn't show, so you'll have something to look forward to discovering if you download the bench! Next I'll have some night-time screenshots to share. I'm not the best at lighting, but some things just do have a special look after the sun goes down...
June 1, 20231 yr Author 1 minute ago, Wowman said: you know I have commented on this in the past, but want to throw another shoutout to the awesomeness of this project You've been a great supporter on this project Wowman, and it's much appreciated. Thank you for your kind words!
June 1, 20231 yr Author Just a selection of night-time screenshots... And that brings us to an end of this tour...I hope you enjoyed it! We released this bench and it's available in the Workshop. Be aware that there is a LOT of TMTK items to download, those too are available in the Workshop... The Victory Field bench is done, it includes the Disney Hyperion Studios as well, and also includes the Boardwalk area. We'll take a look at that one next. We haven't shown many screenshots of it as yet. Then there's yet another bench with New Orleans and the Enterprise area that we just finished...whew! I think this project is almost done! Oh wait...there's a corner of the bench over there with nothing on it...
June 1, 20231 yr Author The Aquacade is my favorite structure on this bench I think. The seating is based on some I found in the Workshop, but they had individual seats and backs, which didn't match the actual seating (and added up to a LOT of extra pieces!), so I had to strip off all the original seats, add the bench seating, and then duplicate and angle them to fit the space. Then I got the wild idea to color the seating with a palette that went from dark navy blue to almost white, which meant I had to recolor almost the entire structure. I spent almost a month building just this structure (or I should say 'building this structure, tearing it apart and re-building it...repeatedly!) But In the end I think it was worth it, I especially like the two Art Deco towers on each side of the stage... I wish that the in-game lighting was a little better, there's a lot of areas both in the Aquacade and the Fairgrounds that could have used a little more general lighting, but ya gotta work with what ya got I guess...
June 1, 20231 yr Author Citytrader wrote: The New York World's Fair Bench is now available for download from Steam; Don't forget, you will need several hundred (not kidding!!!) CS pieces to fully appreciate what Wagi has created! I added a few rides here and there throughout the park just to get peeps wandering in the right direction! Enjoy this wonderful bench by Wagi! It's truly breathtaking!
June 1, 20231 yr Author Much like day-old burritos, the next bench for this park keeps coming back up... Despite Citytrader's advanced age, this bench hasn't been misplaced along with his spectacles, nor did he wander into it and then forgot what he was going to do... No, I felt the itch myself to work on the bench again, and the ointment I was prescribed didn't clear that up, so rather than continue itching I got busy. I worked a little here, worked a little thing you know the whole darn bench is full. Sort of like my plate in a buffet line... Anyways, Rich was finally able to pry it from my grasp, and for the short time he remembered how the game worked, he tweaked what needed to be tweaked (as opposed to his twerking...nobody wants to see that...) and he looked for my bloopers to fix (which may have taken him days, if not weeks...). But finally the next chapter in the story of our version of Disney's America Theme Park is on the horizon. Probably... In the meantime here's just a tease that there is, in fact, a bench, and it does, in fact, have rides and structures on it...amazing huh? "Seaside 1890 - The Promenade" and "Victory Field 1943" We'll start a new thread to tour this latest bench... Edited June 1, 20231 yr by Wabigbear
June 2, 20231 yr You even did interiors... this is all super impressive - love seeing these parks! It's almost like a history book - excited to see more and to see the other benches! there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really
June 2, 20231 yr Author SOME kind of depended on what could be seen from outside whether I added anything inside or not...LOL! A few of the buildings without interiors just have a flat ride plopped inside to attract peeps and move traffic around on the bench a little. Some have nothing (like inside of the big Ford Pavilion, only the car ride on the exterior exists. I meant to go back and add something inside but never got to it. Other buildings I went all out with a full interior, or some like the Westinghouse Pavilion where the interior is only one tile deep. And there are some buildings that are mainly just facades - some even just hide the tran tracks running behind them. The interiors I did create I know added to the piece count and lag, but in most cases I think it was just worth it. But thanks so much for the kind words!
June 2, 20231 yr Still pretty impressive! Back in the day of RCT3 a lot of people didn't even touch interiors so it kind of blows my mind. There was some interior work done but it was mostly ignored, this is just on another scale. there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really
July 20, 20231 yr The shear level of detail and pain staking work that this must have taken to recreate this is absolutely mind blowing! This is incredibly impressive in so many ways, and I'd be excited to see what else you could pull off! Edited July 20, 20231 yr by Gin There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow; shining at the end of every day.
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