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Disney's America Park Project Thememaker's Toolkit Releases

By Citytrader and Wagi

With the release of the individual benches from our lengthy Disney America project, I wIll be showing some of the Thememaker's Toolkit items created for this work, these items were used on several of the benches.  Besides the glass block wall set Citytrader released previously, and the Barbershop Pole set I released (both have their own threads here...), there are 588 640 additional items.

Yes, 588 640 items ...we've been busy...

All these items had been uploaded to the Steam Workshop previously and have now been made public.

For anyone who might want to download and explore each bench as it is finally released can avoid having to find and download 588 640 individual files from the Workshop by downloading zipped copies of the items we'll make available later on.  That way you can unzip and install the files directly yourself.  There's about 15 individual zipped folder, broken up alphabetically for the most part.  I'll post a screenshot showing what is in each zip.

Here is the link to the Disney America TMTK Folder on Drive... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/175wiNXMPaKe7X8cDaRzK8nzuSScL2VWk?usp=sharing

For those who don't want to install everything but see something in a screen shot you might be able to use, you are free to pick and choose what you install this way as well, or download it from the Workshop

First I'll point out that I am NOT a graphic designer!  I didn't even know how to use Blender when I started (and still don't know how to use it well...)

Most of these items are relatively simple, many we used rather than using billboards as those have a marked impact on game performance for some people.  Some files may be a little on the heavy side texture-wise, some items will no doubt have bloopers, the way the Toolkit Editor is set up precludes making many changes later, thus why some bloopers remain even after we noted them later.  Many items may not suit your purposes, but they usually suited ours and we're happy to share if you can make use of them too...

Most items will use "DA-" in their name.  A few made earlier use "Banner" instead, and there's a set of "ColonialTopper" pieces as well.  There's also a couple strays that ended up with a misspelled title like "DA_" or "DA0"...hey, I have fat fingers...

So the first set I'll share a screenshot of is "DA Set Misc".  This includes items with numbers in their titles, "Banner" or "ColonialTopper", along with a couple oddballs.

75 items, 10.9MB (download link to be added soon...)


Lot's of US flags with varying number of stars and sizes, Depression Era posters, Disney America banners, 1939 New York World's Fair posters, comic books, 1904 St Louis Fair banners, posters, book, 1930's Ford auto and truck billboards...most items are two-sided with same graphic on the back.


Screen of how the Colonial Toppers go together.  The large size has a small blooper with a slight gap between the large dark rook and the bottom of the cupola.  You can get around it by copying the cupola and lowering the copy down to cover the slight gap...or just pretend it's not there!  Blueprints of the assembled Colonial Toppers have been released in the Workshop...

They ain't perfect but better I guess than having none which is what Frontier gave us!




I'm thinking Wagi used the royal plural here as I had nothing to do with creating any of this CS, aside form the aforementioned walls.
It was all him!!!

I would just ask for (OK, demand) something, and a couple days later I had it!  ;D

I am in awe of how quickly he picked up blender and just starting creating! Bravo Wagi!



Trying to wiggle out of any blame, huh?   ;D


DA Set A

34 Items, 7 MB  (download link to follow...again, individual files are currently available from the Workshop...)

These are items with names that start with the letter "A" (duh...)

Set includes several multi-section cutouts to create an Alp Mountain backdrop, assorted signage from Colonial and 1930/40 periods, assorted historical and National flags, Assorted Art Deco style trims, Automat walls, Aztec Mural, Aquacade Sign, small aquarium block


Several pieces at night...


DA Set B

58 items, 12.3 MB  (download link to follow, currently available in the Workshop...)

TMTK Items that have names starting with the letter "B"!

Assorted banners, Barber Shop Poles (previously released), 1939 Beechnut Circus signs, assorted historical, British Colonial and national flags, assorted "Brazil Block" walls, Brazil 1939 Coat of Arms, assorted murals by Brazilian artists, Brazil posters, British Empire signage, British Lion decals, BYOWF (Build You Own World's Fair) game box...


Some pieces at night...


DA Set C

64 Items, 14.4MB

TMTK items beginning with the letter "C"

Assorted Cafe signs, Canada signs, Canada murals, Old Canadian flag and Coat of Arms, Carnival Wheel, assorted 1930/40 signage, Chernabog cutout,assorted Circus signs, banners, posters, cutouts, circus ring, clown car, assorted New Orleans signage, assorted colonial signs, Coca-Cola logo cutout, Coca-Cola brick wall, Communications Pavilion murals, assorted crates, assorted historical and national flags, crossed USA flags.


Select objects at night...


There is also four wall pieces (one meter wide, two meter wide, left and right one meter angles), based on Vampiro's wide stripe wall set and used with his kind permission and sharing of his textures.  They are not an exact match, but sure worked for our project...thanks Vampiro!


There's a special piece I made, it's a clown cannon, and there is a pair of clown legs that fit down inside...


Blueprints of the assembled cannon with clown and decorations, as well as the clown car with lights have been released in the Workshop...


DA Set D
24 items, 6.2MB
TMTK items beginning with the letter "D"

Disney America flag, Disney WWII Posters, Disney cartoon clouds and sun, Disney Studios signs, Art Deco murals (3 parts), Dr Pepper brick wall sign, Dr. Pepper sign, Doctor Office signs, Dentist Office signs, Dry Goods Store decal, quarter Dome piece, Disney plush and ceramic cut-outs for store shelf displays




Poster detail and plush cut-outs


Quarter-Dome piece.  It's far from perfect, but we used it on the bench with added ribs that covered the bloopers...



Edited by Wabigbear

  • Author

DA Set E-F

24 items, 6.8MB

TMTK items with names starting with the letter "E"...or "F"!

Various American Eagle signs, "Eat Here" Neon signs, Assorted National flags, Elektro Sign, Erie Harp shield, assorted 1939 New York World's Fair signs and logos, Farmer's Market signs, FDR Posters, Feltmans Menus, New Orleans Fleur Signage, FORD decal, Ford signs, Ford V-8 Signs, French Liberty Painting, French Republic Coat of Arms, French tapestry, Fresh Fish Neon sign





DA Set G-H

24 Items, 5.6MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "G" or "H"...

Assorted historical and National flags, Riverboat Gamblers sign, glass block wall - off-grid (matches Citytraders glass block wall set...), Large GM decal, Gold Eagle plaques, Gold Incan Shield, assorted banners, USA Great Seat decal, New Orleans Billboard, Groceries sign, Hanger roof pieces (match Citytraders Hanger Walls set...), Hat (fit on stationary female figure), assorted feathers for hat, Hills Bros Art, Hills Bros Ad decal, House of VooDoo sign, Hughes Rocketeer Sign.





DA Set I-L

24 Items, 6.6MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "I" through "L"

Assorted Historical and National flags, Jazz Gumbo Neon, Colonial signage, Kingdom of Egypt Coat of Arms, Kingdom of Italy signage, Assorted New Orleans signs, Large Disney Character Font Signs, Statue of Liberty Signage, Louisiana Pacific Expo signage, Lucy's Chicken Neon sign





DA Set Liberty Torch

4 Items, 802KB

Four objects that recreate the arms and torch from the Statue of Liberty.  NOTE:  These items feature heavier than normal LOD's to help the torch remain visible from such distance.  Based on SketchUp model by unknown artist.  Not re-colorable.





Edited by Wabigbear

  • Author

DA Set M-N

45 Items, 9MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "M" or "N"

Magna Carta sign, Mercantile Sign Decal, Assorted Historical and National Flags, Mexican Coat of Arms, Mexican Mural, Assorted Large Mickey Mouse Short Posters, Lit Mickey Mouse Movie Screens, Mickey Victory Field Logo, Eight Part Mountain Backdrop, Mural Decal, Music Neon Sign, Nantucket Sign, Neon Fluer, New Orleans Coffee Signs, New York World's Fair items and Lit Sign Decal





DA Set 0-Q

30 Items, 5.6MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "O", "P", or "Q"

Vintage Oysters sign, Palm Reader sign, Neon Pam Reader signs, Assorted National Flags, Disney On Parade Sign, DA Park Map sign, DA Park Map display, Patriot Inn Sign, Pawnbroker sign, Philadelphia Banner, New York Fair Photo Spot parts, Pies Neon Sign, Disney Pin Board, Pinocchio Billboard, Po Boys Neon Sign, Polish Coat of Arms, Pond Water Base tile, Portuguese Tile wall, Produce sign, Quonset Hut End Wall Plain, Quonset Hut End Wall Shop, Quonset Hut Roof.

Quonset Hut textures match Citytrader's Hanger Wall Set

Night time


Finished Quonset Hut examples...




DA Set R

15 Items, 2.8MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "R"

NYWF Railroad Poster, R and D Drugs Neon Sign, Railway Express Diamond Sign-Large, Railway Express Diamond Sign-Small, REA Sign-Large-Part A, REA Sign-Large-Part B, REA Sign-Small, Restaurant-Cafe Neon Sign, Restaurant Neon Sign, Ring Of Fire-Ring, Ring Of Fire-Flames, Riverboat Billboard, Betsy Ross Flag - Large, Betsy Ross Flag - Small, Vintage Rum/Gin Sign


Night time


Circus Ring of Fire assembled...



DA Set S

37 Items, 4.9MB

TMTK Items with names starting with "S"

Yes, we're getting close to the end!  I feel like I'm channeling OSUDenny from the old RCT3 days, he was such a prolific creator!

Recolorable Seahorse Decal, Recolorable Seahorse Decal - Lit, Seaside Promenade Sign, Assorted Historical and National Flags, Recolorable Shell Decal - Lit, Shimmer Curtain wall, Singer Sign, Sleepy Hollow Carved Sign, Smith Store Sign, Snow White Billboard, Sorcerer Mickey cutout, Spain Coat of Arms decal, Stitchery Banner, St Louis Fair Billboard, St Louis Fair Flag, Assorted Sufferage Banners, Vintage Surgeon Sign, Sweden Coat of Arms decal, Assorted Synchronized Swimmer Decals, Swiss Coat of Arms Sign,





DA Set T - V

47 Items, 7.7MB

Seven items to recreate 1939 NY World's Fair Trylon, Tea Crates, Vintage Texaco Signs, The Pearl Neon Sign, Tile Dome Roof - 1/4 Octogon , Toy Soldier Sign, DA Trashcan Cover, Two Sisters Restaurant Signs - Lit, UK Coats of Arms decals, Uncle Sam Sign, ISA Banner - Large, USArmy AirForce Logo decals, USSR Coat of Arms decals, USSteel decal - Lit, Vaudeville Poster, Verticl Hotel Sign - Lit, Victory Field Decals, Assorted Victory Garden Posters, Vintage Coca-Cola Neon Signs - Lit, Vintage Coke Sign, VooDoo Club Sign decal - Lit


Night time


Completed Trylon with Archer figure for size comparison.  Takes some work to get lined up properly, I'll upload a blueprint of the completed Trylon for ease of use...


The 1/4 Octagon Tile dome matches in-game textures fairly well, created to use on my recreation of the original Walt Disney Studios Building, may not sure any other purpose...

Set W-Z

52 Items, 6.7MB

TMTK Items with names starting with"W", "X", "Y" or "Z"

Washington Inn Sign, Washington Banner, Washington Decal, Waterfall Texture Walls, Waterfall Static decals, Walt Disney Studios Banners, Westinghouse Pavilion Murals, NY World's Fair Book, NY World's Fair Murals, 1904 Fair Whirlpool Sign, Willie's Chicken Shack Neon Sign, Women's Vote Signs, Wonder Bakery NYWF Signs, wooden bench, Assorted Vintage Woolworth Signs, 1939 NYWF Flag, NYWF Pennant, Wright Bros. Flyer parts, Yankee Doodle Mickey Album Cover


Night time


Completed Wright Bros Flyer...based in part on SketchBook model, creator unknown



The link to the Google Drive folder with the zipped Disney America Park TMTK files can be found here...  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/175wiNXMPaKe7X8cDaRzK8nzuSScL2VWk?usp=sharing

There are also some blueprints we'll share and we'll be posting those here shortly as well...

NOTE: Since this was first posted at Shyguys World, I've added around 100 more TMTK items that aren't included here yet.  These appear mostly in benches 4,5 and 6.  I'll gather them up and add them to the Google drive folder soon...


Edited by Wabigbear

Thanks for sharing these! These will definitely come in handy to anyone creating stuff in Planet Coaster. When I get into a project in Planco, I'll be sure to use some of these items!

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

See, I warned you he created a few pieces...  ?


Seriously, a park so rich and detailed as Disney's America could never have been accomplished without all these wonderful pieces Wagi created!

I'd tip my hat to him, but my rug might fall off!

  • 1 month later...

These pieces are awesome! 

Thanks for sharing them. I might just have to use some of these myself!


There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow; shining at the end of every day.

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