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Hey everyone! I made an account here a couple of months ago with the intent to upload some of my creations here, but I kind of fell of the radar in regards to Parkcrafters...until now that is! 

So I've been playing RCT for as long as I remember, originally starting out with RCT1 in the 90's. RCT2 is where I started getting better and better with themed rides, though it was RCT3 where I really learned a lot of chops in terms of coaster building. I originally started uploading my creations on Youtube way back in February of 2007. For those wondering, the very first video I posted is linked below this post.

I spent a lot of time making creations throughout 2007-2010, going from pretty basic rides to very complex coasters with tons of custom scenery. I don't know if anyone remembers, but in the late 2000's there were these 'King of RCT3' contests going on on Youtube, where people would submit their ride and hope theirs is better than all the rest. I participated in a few of those as well. After 2010 I kind of lost motivation to play RCT2 and RCT3, and I jumped to either different games or different hobbies altogether.  2 years ago, I got back into playing RCT2 and RCT3 again because I discovered the RCT3 Complete Edition on Steam and ofcourse OpenRCT2. I've been having a blast ever since, making a lot of new creations. 

If you have any questions let me know :)


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Welcome, m00nkinftw! I love how the lift hills just keep going up and up and up, building excitement (and fear!). It's a nice looong coaster, too. So many coasters suffer from being way too short.


Welcome to ParkCrafters! Doesn't matter if you joined today or months ago, we're happy to have you here and excited to see what new things you'll be creating!

there's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top.. nevermind, just kidding but not really

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