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Posts posted by Regentbird

  1. Sorry been a bit quiet for a while but I got some parks coming up to show everyone! Thought I would start with this one.  My challenge was just to make a decent park in the time limit (4 years for this one) and complete the scenario. (Most the time I just do parks for fun and not worry about the goal and take 30 game years to finish). So nothing to much but I thought I would share anyway :)

    I did use a couple pre built coasters but I just didn’t have the time to build my own, all the time. and they fit nicely. I had the massive custom duelling woodie from a previous level so I was able to reuse it.   I made the “Sasquatch” custom for this map and it turned out pretty nice .  But yeah. Pretty happy with it for a 4 game year build.  If I had more time I would detail it more. But mostly I just wanted to beat the level.   

    pretty stoked with the woodie stats as they are both very high excitement.

    I am looking for inspiration for what to do next. If you have ideas of challenges or themes I could try please let me know.  I am a little stuck on what map to start next and what to do on it.    I gotta beat frightmare hills but I have no clue what to build for it.









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  2. Ahh that’s alright, thanks for looking!.   Yeah it does look pretty complex . That’s why I was wondering if there is a demo available. But I have tried planet coaster in the past on someone else’s computer and I enjoyed that coaster builder. And they say No Limits 2’s coaster builder is better in every way.

  3. G’day how ya going.   I am probably one of the youngest members here haa.  I was not aware of SGW when it was around which is a real shame but I am glad I get participate here!   I am honestly blown away by the skill on here. Some of these parks are incredible.  I love the style of RCT 3.  That era of games all have a distinct look . Some call it outdated but in my personal opinion it aged beautifully!    

    i don’t have any PC unfortunately. but I do tinker in RCT classic

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  4. Don’t feel you need to read all this but you can if you want too.

    This park began because I wanted to make a pier park in RCT classic. But i didn’t want to pay an extra $10 to get the sandbox mode.  So I searched the scenarios trying to find one that had open waters on one side and I found this park. I heavily modified it and got straight in to landscaping.   And idea behind it was there used to be a really old part of the park at the bottom and around the 50s-60s the pier was added. And then as time went on the old part at the bottom was completely changed.


    Harrock Hills

    the park started in 1923. Information this far back is pretty much lost.  Records say the park opened with at least 2 coasters. One being a clone of Leap the Dips and the other being a scenic railway. Layout is unknown. There was other rides as well including a huge slide done the hill and a merry go round (now located on the pier) . All other rides are unknown.

    Come the 50s a pier with a classic American pier style.  A dark ride and the Big Dipper were built. It was odd since it was in a huge lake not an ocean but it still worked and looks good to this day.

    in the 60s the wild mouse was built and the parks merry go round was relocated from the bottom of the park to the pier.

    late 60s the spiral slide was built.

    A few years later the chairlift 1 would open. 

    In the 70s a larger mini golf course was also built. 

    In the early 80s an enterprise was added to the pier.

    the old rides and scenic railway at the bottom of the hill were removed to make way for new attractions.  The local government tried to stop them but after an inspection they realised the rides were not in good condition.    

    Not long after this happened. the pier area was heritage listed, to protect the 60s wild mouse and 50s Big Dipper.  

    In 1985 the shoot and chutes log ride was opened. It was the parks 2nd water ride. (It is unknown when the original log flume was demolished)

    There was a ride drought for a decade after. The near by tourist town was devastated by a big fire.   This has a big impact of the park attendance. And park was also in decline overall.

    As the rides got older and more expensive to maintain, the park couldn’t spend on new rides like they used too.  However come 1992 and park got new ownership.  The new owners felt they could turn the park around.  The entire park got refurbs and the gardens were all redone. Construction also started on the parks B&M looper.

    In 1995 THRASHER opened. It was on the smaller side of B&M even then but it was still a fun ride. It has no airtime but some good forces. The ride was criticised for its shallow drop.  But it brought new life to the park. 

     In 1997 a Vekoma boomerang was added.

    the park did not see the return on investment it needed. With only a slight increase in park attendance.  It then again sat idle. 

    The park realised they could not afford new rides. instead they put on small events and tidied up the park.   

    2005 They quickly lost their title as the area’s best amusement park.  Their competition was peaking .  And added a intamin hyper coaster .

    The park was not in a position to compete and instead just added little things and did events.  It became more a historic park with a few good thrills.

    in 2010 a S&S space shot was built.  A 3D theatre was also constructed. It had a Epcot dome look to it.

    2013 the chairlift was rebuilt from the ground up but used the existing station buildings.

    2016 THRASHER got a fresh coat of paint but kept the same Color’s

    2017 the pier got new timber and a few of the rides on the pier were refurbished.

    2018 the vekoma boomerang was shut and sold off. The park announced a more family focused coaster would replace it.

    2019 mid construction the park announced the coaster would be built by Vekoma and would be named Luna Star (if I had OpenRct I would give it vekoma trains but I had to settle for the schwarzkopf trains so pretend it’s a vekoma train and not rocket shaped)

    2020 covid delayed the ride opening.

    2021 covid forced the park to close.

    2022 the park reopened with Luna Star operating!












  5. Awesome!!  Though I do believe it was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon wasn’t it?

    edit-just noticed your write up Professor Stephanie Dalley has postulated that the Hanging Gardens were never in Babylon at all, but in another city, Nineveh. She has unearthed loads of evidence to support her claim and has been featured on numerous television programs. Dalley found texts by the king of Assyria named Sennacherib about a palace he built and a garden alongside that he called a wonder for all people. He inscribed his name on numerous aquaducts and canals that were able to cary huge volumes of water to his city. There is even a bas-relief showing the king in his "hanging garden", so my park supports her claims! my bad.  

  6. Been wanting to get into RCT 3 lately (yes a beginner in rct3 in 2023!) but one main thing is still holding me back.  I don’t have a PC . Which means my options are iPad or Nintendo switch.  I am worried that without custom Addons the game won’t be able to provide what I am looking for. I am a coaster/theme park enthusiast and love the look of some of the parks people have been posting here! But I have noticed everyone uses mods. Even the coaster track and trains are not stock.    
    so will the game have enough stock options to still be enjoyable enough?   Is it possible to still make reasonably realistic parks?   Interested in hearing peoples thoughts.   My main draw to RCT 3 is the ability to see your park from the ground looking up at it.  VS only looking down on it in RCT classic.    I build many decent RCT classic parks so I am used to the RCT name. (Well the good ones… not those… other ones…). Interested in hearing peoples thoughts.

  7. On 6/4/2023 at 4:00 AM, Wilhelm1407 said:

    This has always been one of my favorite screenshots that I've taken in RCT3


    Screenshot - 6_12_2015 , 3_25_11 PM-gigapixel-low_res-scale-2_00x.png

    That’s incredible!! Did you use Addons or is that just base rct3 ? That shot alone makes me wanna download the game. My problem is i won’t be able to get the pc version so it’s iPad or Nintendo switch.  I think I could find a way to download custom scenery on iPad but switch would probably be a better game experience.

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