BRAParkStudios started following Wilhelm1407
My Past RCT3 Projects From ShyGuy's World - Wilhelm1407
Skye Amusement Park 1976 In the spring of 1976 the park began construction on a new Arrow Corkscrew. After the grand opening later that year the coaster became a favorite amongst guests. Now with three coasters operating, the park had a very good year overall. Lots of new guests, and return guests visited the park.
CoasterGenius started following Wilhelm1407
My Past RCT3 Projects From ShyGuy's World - Wilhelm1407
Yes I'm still making coasters in RCT3. 🙂 I've kind of moved away from parks though. I just don't have time to make them anymore.
My Past RCT3 Projects From ShyGuy's World - Wilhelm1407
Skye Amusement Park 1965 Many years ago in 2011, I created a park both for RCT Lounge and Shy Guys World. I thought I had the story saved somewhere, but I lost most of the details when the sites were shut down. Skye Amusement Park is my park located in the midwest. Built in 1965, the park contained an out and back wooden PTC coaster, and an Arrow mine train coaster. I'll post the updates over time instead of dumping all of them into this one post. (That would be a ton of images for one post.) Main Entrance and Plaza Golden Eagle Mine Train
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 【 I Search an Object + Request Thread 】
One CS set that RCT3 desperately needs, is a tunnel set with a good amount of clearance. Bonus would be if there were pieces with and without shading. I like these round tunnels in NL2. I couldn't find any of the square variety to post here but those look cool too.
Chroma Key Set
Wilhelm1407 started following Ultimate Corkscrew Pack 2024
Ultimate Corkscrew Pack 2024
The Ultimate Corkscrew Pack 2024 is a compilation of wonderful CTRs created by other members of the RCT3 gaming community. I used the CTR creator to combine them into one coaster. This new CTR includes Large Loop pieces from the Multidimensional Coaster, as well as Tilt Coaster track pieces. All credit goes to the members who created the CTRs in this pack. This download contains a detailed PDF read me file, complete with credits, and screenshots. Below are download links to the original files used to create this compilation. Enjoy! (UPDATE 12/30/24) I've updated the file to include the thrill lift track pieces, as apparently I had forgotten to enter them into the bahndaten file. The CTR now has the thrill lift pieces. ⭐Maylene: https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/2059-maylenes-classic-corkscrew/ ⭐Francescoaster: https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/2998-francescoasters-arrow-looping-ct/ https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/2993-francescoasters-vekoma-boomerang-ct/ ⭐Gadget: https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/2474-gadgets-vekoma-coasters-ctr/ ⭐Walibi Mike: https://parkcrafters.com/files/file/1520-vekoma-mk1212/ -
Wilhelm1407 started following Topy57
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 【 I Search a CTR, CFR, CT + Request Thread 】
I believe these are Shyguy's Planters V1.3. You can download them here. Also just for future reference, we have a thread dedicated to finding cso sets, and cso related questions. 🙂
Wilhelm1407 started following ParkCrafters RCT3 20th Anniversary Competition Entries & Voting
ParkCrafters RCT3 20th Anniversary Competition Entries & Voting
Sadly I'm ending up having to go into work today, so I don't think I'll be able to attend. The joys of being a manager... 🙃
Rocky Ridge Railroad - RCT3 20th Anniversary Competition Entry
Thanks guys! Should I do some more vanilla projects? I'm thinking about trying some different themes out. I'd really like to play with the spooky theme 🎃 Also I might do some tutorials on Vanilla RCT3 buildings. Maybe like a realistic station tutorial. Stuff like that.
Wilhelm1407 started following Wilhelm1407's Rocky Ridge Railroad
Wilhelm1407's Rocky Ridge Railroad
Wilhelm1407 started following Rocky Ridge Railroad - RCT3 20th Anniversary Competition Entry
Rocky Ridge Railroad - RCT3 20th Anniversary Competition Entry
This is my entry for the RCT3 20th anniversary competition. I created a Vekoma Mine train with caverns and mine tunnels. I used a lot of land blocks to create the roofs of the caverns and tunnels. I also figured out some of the ride event scenery can be glitched into the ground so I added some details with that as well. The ground blocks also tend to be able to be glitched through rides and objects. I will be uploading this park file to the site. 📩 Click here to go to download page. 📩 (I know I posted this thread after the competition deadline, however, the video was uploaded on October 19th and sent to @wolfpawvia discord. I just didn't have time to post here before going to work later that day. Plus I wanted to make a nice thumbnail for the video because I didn't even do that night.)
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 【 I Search a CTR, CFR, CT + Request Thread 】
I have a request that is probably a long shot but I've always wanted to see the Extended track (mostly non inverted B&M track) in RCT3 get more pieces, similar to Samplerocker's track edits. Such as: more loop, half-loop, and zero g roll sizes, as well as more variety in banking transitions for turns, and overbanked turns. Also adding better diving loops and diagonally oriented elements would be cool. So Samplerocker, if you happen to find this please help us out lol
Thunder's RCT3 Pictures
Agreed! I hope everything goes well!
Thunder's RCT3 Pictures
I have back up files if you'd like I could add those to a zip file and send them to you. I just thought of this, but one other thing is you might check to see if cheat codes will be allowed in the competition. I think it's been asked about in the competition thread already.
Thunder's RCT3 Pictures
It looks really cool. I love the slingshot on top of a tower idea! I'm not sure if the modded ground textures, and coaster supports will be allowed though. Did you keep backup files of those?