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Tommy Parsons

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Files posted by Tommy Parsons

  1. From SP Playland in Brazil
    37 0
  2. A old Cedar fair Park that closed in 2007  cs list in read me and cs that are not on the list to add
    1. Ralfvieh's fountains.
    2. Arrow Corkscrew
    3. Samba Balloon
    ImagineerJohn's Hopper
    And BigBurger's Timber
    11 0
  3. this a good Recreation of the Defunct Dinn Wooden Coaster from Geauga Lake which operated from 1988-2007. this is a reupload from Coaster Crazy by drpc.
    5 0
  4. This is a Recreation of the Defunct Deluge at Kentucky Kingdom from 2008-2021 it is the first Water Slide recreation on this site and no cs is not included
    enjoy this recreation.
    6 0
  5. This Is a Reupload from Rctgo made by nathan8848 and this is the 2015 version of the park.
    Here is the list of CS that you will need:
    Classic Corkscrew
    Flying Carousel (CFH Rides)
    Samba Balloon (CFH Rides)
    Troika (Patrick)
    Imagineer Johns Spring Rides
    Red Baron (CFH Rides)
    Roda- Panoramica (Steel Rides)
    BiranJuh94's Fences
    CTRS' - Aqualander Set
    ATH Catwalk Set
    Moby's Steel Jungle V1
    SK Canopy 101
    Safari J's Arrow Pack
    2 0
  6. a small Six Flags park 
    you need 
    Krypt's Wooden Ctr and Space Shot Cfr
    Cinipeas Superman and Batman CT
    Medium Ferris Wheel cfr
    Francescoaster's Star Flyer and Sanfiizao CT
    Gadget's Coaster Goodies
    Coasterinc's Shuttle Loop CT 
    Rctk1 Pandemonium CT
    so enjoy
    5 0
  7. this is a very accurate recreation of Dorney Park in AllenTown PA and this park was made by:hockeyguy22229 from rctgo
    here are the list of cs that you will need:
    -ATHCatwalk and Accessories set
    -BigBurger's Timber 2.0
    -DasMatze_Invisible Entrance
    -Gadget's Coaster Goodies
    -Moby's Steel Jungle V1 and V2
    -NYRBox Supports
    -pteri Tunnel pack
    -Jcat's Pumper Steelworx
    -shy-Rock Set
    (the only CFR that you Need is Imagineer Johns hopper)
    8 0
  8. a no cs recreation of wild mouse at cedar point
    21 0
  9. this is a Fictional Six Flags Park located in Chardon Ohio
    here our the CS that I used
    Gadget's Drop Tower
    FC Star Flyer
    Cinipaes Pinfari CT
    Cinipaes Arrow Corkscrew
    FC Invert and Attica Hyper Coaster
    CFH Rides Samba Balloon and Reverse Freefall coaster
    Coasterinc's Intamin Impulse CT
    A station Cs pack that i do not remember the name
    so enjoy the park.
    6 2
  10. this was taken from Rctgo by Rct3Players and it is really good and a lot of CS.
    9 0
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